2| cheater cheater

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By the time I get back to my dorm Hali is lying on the couch with a bowl of popcorn watching Friends. I shut the door behind me and fall on the couch beside her.

"Men suck." she says.

"Figure skating sucks." I say.

We both look at each other.

"What's wrong?" we both say at the same time.

"You go first." I say grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving it in my mouth. Popcorn is not in my diet but who cares anymore.

If Mrs. Model sitting beside me is eating it so am I.

"I caught Jake with Lindsey."

"Oh my gosh."

"Don't worry bout it. I went over there to break up with him. Now I don't look like the bad guy." she smiles and I high-five her. "Still hurt though... Anyway, what's your problem?"

"Coach said I'm too slow. And I just got a text from her on the bus that she's signed me up for some hockey player to 'train' me." I roll my eyes turning my attention back to the tv.

I'm on a one way track headed for the Olympics and now I'm being "trained" by someone who probably has no idea about figure skating.

"So just don't go." she said fixing her eyes back on the tv.

I handed her my phone with the text from Coach on my screen.

Coach: ...oh and if you decide not to go. I'll still replace you with Madeline... no pressure though

Hali turned to look at me. "So let me get this right... You don't go and she replaces you or you don't learn to be fast enough she replaces you..."

I took another handful of popcorn and picked through it. "Yeah, pretty much." I said.

Hali turned back to the tv. "Wait you took the bus?"

"Yeah my cars in the shop until next Tuesday. Something with my tires and the engine. I'm not really sure I zoned out when the mechanic started talking." Hali laughed.

"Just take my car then. It's not like I have anywhere to go." she huffed.

I stood up and walked to my room. "Thanks." I said calling from my room.

I woke up to 12 texts.

2 from mom.

7 from my group chat with the other figure skaters.

1 from Madeline.

And 2 from an unknown number.

I clear all the messages and click on the unknown number.

Unknown: Hey I'm the hockey player that's supposed to be training you.
Unknown: I'm Reece btw

I just stare at my phone in disgust. The dorm is quiet so I assume Hali is gone to class. I jump up and walk into the kitchen wearing a sports bra and my leggings from last night.

I was too pissed to change or take a shower but now I feel gross. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and watch my phone. It's still open on the counter. I take it and my bowl of cereal back to my room.

I pick my phone up after a few minutes and answer.

Me: I'm Alina
Me: and I don't need your help

He answered almost immediately.

Reece: that's not what I was told...

I haven't even met this kid and I already hated him.

All Yours {BOOK 1 OF THE LAURIE U SERIES}Where stories live. Discover now