19| Heartbreak Locket

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She was avoiding me. It had been almost two weeks. Christmas was right around the corner.

She wouldn't text me and if she did it was always one word responses.





I was tired of it. When I saw her in the halls she ducked into a classroom. Or in History she would sit in the farthest seat away from me. I just don't know what I did...

It was Christmas Eve. I had planned to go home but Dad and the twins had the flu and Mom didn't want me to catch it.

It sounds terrible but I was glad so I could spend Christmas with Alina but then she ditched me.

A few days before our date she called to cancel but she never said anything about rescheduling.

I had bought her a locket with a picture of us at laser tag kissing in it. But she wouldn't even talk to me, so I pulled up to her dorm.

When I knocked on her door Hali answered. "Oh..." she said. "Reece I don't think-"

"I need to see her." She let me and in and then grabbed her coat and left.

"Hali?" Alina said and opened her bedroom door. "Oh." she said. Her face mimicked Hali's when I had opened the door.

"I need to talk to you." I said.

"Reece you shouldn't be here-"

"Stop." I said. "You're killing me here." she walks out of her bedroom and into the kitchen. She grabs a diet coke and leans against the counter. I stood in the same place I was when she walked out of her room.

I looked down the the sweatshirt she was wearing. It was my hockey one that was entirely to big for her. But she looked amazing in.

"I've been looking for that." I said pointing to her sweatshirt.

"You want it back?" she asked.

"No. Keep it." Why did it feel like we were breaking up?

"It doesn't smell like you anymore." she says hiding her face behind her diet coke.

I stay silent. I'm not sure what to say. I take the blue box out of my back pocket. I take the locket out and walk towards her.

"Merry Christmas." I say placing it in her palm. She pops the front off and looks at the picture.


"Please don't do this." she walks around the counter and places both hands on my cheeks. I lean into her touch.

"I can't see you anymore." she said.

"Alina please tell me what I did wrong-"

"It's not you it's me..."

"Oh please." I walked back towards the door and look back. I ran my fingers through my hair and just watched her.

I walked back to her and grabbed her cheeks. I bent down and placed a kiss on her lips. When she kissed me back I knew she loved me. She pulled away and walked into her room.

She came out a moment later with a black shoe box. She had taken my sweatshirt off and folded it. She handed me the box and the sweatshirt and backed away.

"I'm sorry." she whispered.

I slammed my car door shut and banged my head on the steering wheel. "DAMN IT!" I yelled. I looked over at the stupid shoe box. I wanted to throw it out the window, instead I opened it up and pulled it into my lap.

Movie stubs, photos of us, a dried rose that I had left on her windshield, the locket and a note. I unfolded the note and read.


I can't put into words how much you mean to me. I hate that I'm having to do this through a letter but I can't see look on your face when I say this.

I love you.

I hadn't planned on it and sometimes wish I hadn't because it would have been so much easier. But I can't change how I feel.

We truly are the definition of right person wrong time like in a cheesy romance book.

I hope that someday you can forgive me. Even if it's not today or tomorrow or this century. But never forget that I did love you. It wasn't just some joke.

I'm so sorry this is how it happened.


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Maybe if I wouldn't have kissed her or if she wouldn't have left me this letter I could believe it was really over.

But I did kiss her and she kissed me back.


I hated myself. God I really really hated myself and this stupid universe.

I laid in my bed and cried so hard I had a migraine. Hali opened the door to my room.

"He left." I cried through tears.

"Oh honey." she came and laid beside me. And just let me cry until I fell asleep.

All Yours {BOOK 1 OF THE LAURIE U SERIES}Where stories live. Discover now