3| Monroes

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I totally forgot.

I grabbed my bag and rushed out of my bedroom. It would still take ten minutes for me to get across campus. I was almost to the door when Tucker stepped in front of me.

"Wanna catch a movie?" he asked.

"Cant." I said trying to step around him.

"I'm down." Caspian said.

"Me too." Callum joined in.

I pushed Tucker out of the way and forced myself out the door.

"What's got your panties in a bunch?" Tucker called down the hallway. I flipped him the finger and opened the door to the stairs.

I fled down them, almost tripping multiple times and opened the door to outside.

I ran like a mad man across campus. I threw the door to the rink open and looked around. It was completely empty except for Alina who sat on her phone.

I dropped my bag on the bleachers and she looked up. She stood up and held her hand out.

"I'm Alina." she said in a perfectly kind manor unlike the last time we met.

"Reece." I said shaking her hand. She obviously didn't remember me. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad one.

She set her phone down and opened the gate to the rink. "I'm ready when you are." she said.

"Go ahead and do some warmup laps. I'll lace up my skates." She did and I reached into my bag. I pulled out my left skate and when I reached back in there was nothing. I pulled the bag into my lap and sighed.

My right skate was no where to be found. I sighed, internally panicking.

I jogged into the boys locker room and opened Tuckers locker. He kept his skates in his locker. I pulled them out a walked back out to the rink.

Alina was already doing laps around the rink. I slid past the gate and it clicked shut. I honestly wasn't sure what I was doing but I was doing what my old coach used to do.

"Okay!" I said. "We're doing something different now." She skated over and stopped.

"What?" she asked.

"We're racing." I said smiling.

"How is that going-"

"GO!" I yelled and raced off.

I heard her grumble, infuriated behind me. But after a second I heard the sound of skates against ice.

We went around the rink twice before I stopped. She wasn't slow by a long shot but I could see what her coach was talking about.

"You're trying to look graceful."

"Yeah... that's kind of the idea." she said rolling her eyes. That attitude from before sprouting again.

"No, no. I get that but your so stiff. You know the basic ice skating rules. Don't bend backwards. Make sure your skates are secured correctly. Bend your knees. And don't look down. But-" I couldn't think of anyway to tell her what I was trying to say. "Watch." I skated to the end of the rink and back.

"Hold on." she says. She does the same thing I did. Skating to the end and back. And she does it much faster.

"There you go." I say giving her a high-five. "Bend forward a bit more and do it again."

We were there for and hour and a half and she's already getting better.

She packs up her skates and throws the bag over her shoulder. "Thanks for today." she smiles, walking towards the door.

"I'll text you about tomorrow." I call after her. She gives me a thumbs up and walks out the door.

I walked into the dorm I share with Tucker, Callum, and Caspian, smiling.

Caspian and Callum aren't in the living room when I walk in. Tuckers sitting there watching a movie by himself. I drop my bag and jump over the back of the couch and sit down.

"Are you off your period yet? Can we have fun now?"

I ignored him. "What are we watching?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I was watching Toy Story but it ended right before you walked in."

"Toy Story?"

"It's a good movie." he said defending himself. I leaned my head back on the cushion and closed my eyes. "Want to grab something to eat?" Tuck asked.

"Not in my budget." I said, my eyes still closed.

"I'll pay for you." he said.

Tucker was... rich. But rich didn't even begin to cover it. His parents paid for his college while I came here on a scholarship. He had an allowance each month while I had to work at some hunting shop 20 minutes from campus. His parents paid for all of us to live in this 4 room apartment we all mooched off of.

"I'm not charity." I said.

"I'm not paying." he pulled out his card which was black which just screamed rich! "Mom and dad are." he smiled.

We had a decent sized kitchen and pantry and if it wasn't for me it would only have Kraft mac and cheese and beer. But I actually enjoyed cooking so I kept the pantry and fridge stocked just in case. It was a stress thing which I was 24/7 so I cooked pretty often.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. "CAS! CAL!" he called jumping up from the couch. They both ran downstairs.

"What?" Cal said annoyed.

"We're going to eat." Tuck said.

"Ooh yum. Where?" Cas said throwing his shoes on.

"I'm thinking Monroe's Cafe." Tucker said grabbing his keys.

All Yours {BOOK 1 OF THE LAURIE U SERIES}Where stories live. Discover now