16| cant be just friends

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Callum, Caspian, Aurora, and Selene meet us outside the restaurant.

Selene is wearing a white tube top and a long vibrant blue skirt. I expected nothing less from her though.

Aurora on the other hand is wearing a brown corset top and plaid skirt

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Aurora on the other hand is wearing a brown corset top and plaid skirt. Auroras whole aesthetic was preppy, rich, boss bitch.


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"Hey." Aurora said kissing me on the cheek. "Goddamn you look good."

"Oh my god. I'm starving can we please." Tucker shooed is inside. He walked to the server. "Tucker Bailey. 8."

The servers eyes went wide. "Oh yes sir. Follow me." He led us to a table at the very back. It was closed off by a glass door.

"How the hell did you get us in here?" Hali said sitting beside Tucker.

"I'm rich babe." Hali rolled her eyes. I sat down in between Hali and Reece.

A waiter comes around and asks out drink order and then walks back out the glass doors. I looked over at Reece who was watching his menu.

I looked back to the group who was completely silent. "We'll this is boring." Tucker said taking a sip of his water.

"Why don't we play like truth or dare but minus the dare because there's not many dares for us to do." Selene suggested.

"So we would just be asking questions?" Tucker asked.

"Here I'll start." Selene said looking around the table. Her eyes finally landed on Hali. "Hali, would you rather wear no jewelry ever again or wear silver jew-"

"Nope. Never wear jewelry again." she said.

Tucker snorted. "Real deep."

"That's not to the point. It's supposed to be funny or spicy-" she raised her eyebrows. "-or something to help you get to know them. Hali it's your turn."

Hali looked to me immediately. "Alina, how many times have you had sex this month?"

I hated saying this in front of my friends and Reece. "Zero." But I looked back at her. Hali always had a track record and it being the end of November she's probably racked up into the double digits. "Hali, how many times have you had sex this month?"

"How many times or how many guys?" she asked.


"No, no you only get one question." she laughed.

"Fine. How many guys?" I asked.

"1 guy." she immediately turned to Caspian. "I saw a puppy on your instagram whats it's name?"

It went on all dinner long. I figured out somethings that I wish I hadn't. Like Selene having sex at DisneyLand on the "It's a small world ride"

"I'm intrigued." Tucker said.

"Well the ride broke down and my ex-boyfriend took me behind one of the props. All the light were out and we thought no one would see us. But they got the ride up and going and the lights turned back on..." Selene trailed off. "Let's just say I'm not aloud in DisneyLand anymore."

Our food arrived and after that everyone's conversations split. Every time I looked to Reece he looked away but all dinner long he stared at me.

Out in the parking lot he followed me to Tuckers car. "You said you wanted to talk?" I asked. Tucker and Hali were still inside.

"Uh yeah... Here," he opened the door to the car and I stepped up. He shut the door and walked around to the drivers side. Once he was inside he turned to me.

"Reece you're scaring me, what's going on?"

"Oh I'm sorry. I don't mean to scare you I just-" he paused.


"I like you." he blurted out. "And I think about you all the time. I can't even practice without you popping into my head. Before we even kissed, I just-"

"Reece," I said placing a hand on his. "I like you too."

"Yeah?" he smiled.

"Yeah." I smiled back. He brushed a lock of hair from my eyes.

"God," he whispered. "You're gorgeous." I smiled and rubbed my thumb along his cheek bone.

"I don't want to move to fast and freak you out but I can't be just friends with you anymore." he whispered. He looked down to my lips and licked his own. Holy hell...

I brought his lips to mine and kissed him. This stupid truck left not much room for much else.

I slip my hand into his hair and he starts kissing me harder. He pulls away and I can't seem to open my eyes.

After a moment they do and I look behind Reece to see Tucker and Hali. Reece is watching them too. Tucker stands there shaking his head, a frown plastered on his lips.

"Not in my truck!" he gagged.

Reece and I got in the back and Tucker pulled from the restaurant. "Hali and I were talking inside and there's this new laser tag place down the street. We were wondering if y'all wanted to try it out?" Tucker asked.

Reece and I were sitting so close together, we were practically in the same seat. "Sounds fun! But I have practice in the morning..." I said.

Hali turned around in the passenger seat to look at me. "Oh come on. Don't be a party pooper."

"Fine but only one game."

All Yours {BOOK 1 OF THE LAURIE U SERIES}Where stories live. Discover now