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mentions of throwing up, feeling sick, etc

since nova was still injured and wasn't feeling very well, she decided to stay in her and taylor's apartment while taylor went and performed. every night when taylor got home, they cuddled in bed, and made sure to let each other know how loved they were.

on this particular day, nova was just lying in bed since her leg was really bothering her.

she was shutting her eyes, trying to fall asleep, when she suddenly felt the unignorable urge to throw up.

the brunette had emetephobia, and immediately began panicking. she couldn't throw up. she wouldn't. she would do anything in order to not go through the horrible feeling of throwing up.

she quickly sat up, taking a sip of her water that was on the nightstand beside her. usually, either mints or mint gum helped to calm her down when she felt sick, so she grabbed her crutches reluctantly, getting up and walking to the kitchen,

once she got to the kitchen, she grabbed a pack of spearmint gum from the junk drawer.

she stuffed it in her mouth, taking another drink from her water bottle. she then walked over to the couch, deciding that maybe watching one of her many shows would help her calm down a bit more.

she sat down carefully, making sure to not put any weight on her leg. she put her crutches down before reaching over and grabbing the remote.

she turned the television on, clicking on pretty little liars. when she originally started watching the show, she quickly fell in love with lucy hale. that was before she was in a healthy relationship, so she wouldn't say she loved lucy hale anymore, but she had to admit, lucy was an amazing actress and was extremely pretty.

a few minutes after she had started watching her show, she started getting another feeling as if she were going to barf.

she continued chewing her gum, adamant to not throw up. the started breathing faster and more shallow, knowing this was a panic attack.

"no, i can't throw up. i'm okay! i'm okay, i'm not throwing up." she talked to herself, trying to calm herself down.

once she started to feel like she was not going to throw up, she calmed herself down a little, still not putting her guard down, though. she didn't want to be caught off guard if she did end up throwing up.

that continued for the rest of the day, the constant panic, adrenaline and fear. she had finally started feeling the slightest bit better at around midnight, when she heard keys unlocking their front door.

"nova, i'm home!" the brunette quickly looked back from her spot on the couch, seeing a sweaty taylor walking through the door.

"hi baby," nova treated, taylor placing a kiss on her forehead. "how was your day?" taylor asked, sitting on novas lap.

"absolutely horrible, tay." nova responded, tears gathering in her eyes.

nova quickly wiped her eyes, but the tears didn't go unnoticed by taylor. "hey, what happened?" she asked sincerely, looking at nova with sympathetic eyes.

"i- i just felt really sick all day, and i kept feeling like i was going to throw up, but then i didn't, but i absolutely hate that feeling, tay." nova expressed, as taylor hugged her comfortingly.

"oh, baby. i'm so sorry i wasnt here to help you. do you feel better now?" the blonde asked, pulling away from the hug.

"yeah, i started feeling a little better right before you got home." the shorter woman said, kissing taylor. "ew, i'm all sweaty, nova." taylor said, laughing.

"you think i care if you're sweaty? if anything, i love you more when you're sweaty." nova replied, smiling.

"oh my goodness, i'm going to go take a shower." taylor announced, still laughing.

about half an hour later, taylor came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around herself, looking at nova who was still sat on the couch.

"what're you watching?" taylor said, slightly startling nova.

"i'm just watching more pretty little liars," the brunette responded, looking up at her girlfriend.

"have you ever watched it?" she asked taylor, who shook her head.

"what! you're telling me you've never watched pretty little liars?" nova exclaimed, looking at taylor with wide eyes.

"no, im just not very interested in it, because it's a mystery type show." the blonde answered, sitting next to nova.

"well, that's not all it is! it has romance, and throughout the whole show you get to try figuring out what's actually happening."

"okay, go get dressed and then im forcing you to watch this with me." nova said jokingly, earning a nudge from taylor.

after taylor got dressed, she came back to the living room, seeing nova on her phone.

nova quickly looked up, smirking.

"are you ready," she started dramatically. "to watch the best, most amazing, show-stopping television show ever made?"

"no, i don't think i am, nova." the blonde chuckled, sitting down.

"okay, well either way, prepare yourself. pretty little liars isn't just a show, it's a lifestyle." nova declared, turning on the show.

once the first episode of the show was over, taylor decided that nova was right, and pretty little liars was definitely worth watching the rest of.

but, the two women were both tired, so they decided to head to their bedroom and begin getting ready.

"hey, where is your next show, tay?" nova said while brushing her teeth. taylor was used to hearing her speak while having something in her mouth, so what would've sounded like gibberish to anyone else, she was able to clearly hear.

"i'm pretty sure it's atlanta," the blonde responded, putting her face wash onto her face.

nova looked up to taylor before spitting out her toothpaste and rinsing her mouth out. "alright, i was thinking about coming to this one."

taylor smiled, looking at her girlfriend. "oh, that's amazing! are you sure though? you were just feeling sick and i don't want to push your limits." the blonde remembered, cupping her hands and washing her face with water.

"i feel fine now, i think it was just anxiety, honestly." nova said.

a few minutes later, taylor was already laying in their bed while nova started walking towards her.

"are you ready for bed?" nova asked, an underlying tone being evident.

"hmm," taylor pretended to think, putting her finger to her lips. "not really."

nova smirked softly, before laying on the bed, practically on top of her girlfriend.

TS10??? how are we feeling?

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