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sorry for a bit of a late update! make sure to drink water <3

the next day, one of the first things taylor and nova began doing was preparing for their wedding, which wouldn't be for a long time, but they still needed to be ready.

"are we both wearing wedding dresses? how does that work?" nova asked, mostly a rhetorical question, but she was also wondering.

"uh, i think it's just up to you. i will probably wear a dress, though." taylor answered, sitting up in their bed and looking at her laptop screen.

"what are you even looking at?" nova asked, leaning over to see the screen.

she saw that taylor was looking up what flavor cake to have at a wedding, and was looking up cake tastings.

"i think we should do either vanilla cake or red velvet." nova declared, looking up at taylor.

"uh-huh. we aren't doing vanilla for our wedding cake. no shade to anyone who has done vanilla for their wedding cake, but i don't want a basic flavor, i want something like lemon blueberry or matcha." taylor explained, sharing her opinion against a vanilla wedding cake.

"okay, i think a matcha cake would work, could we even get one though?" nova asked, chuckling.

taylor went to a few websites on her laptop before sharing the screen with her girlfriend next to her.

"yep. should we order it in advance?" the blonde asked, and nova shook her head.

"i have no idea! honestly, why isn't your mom here? she could help a lot."

taylor looked at nova affectionately. "as much as i love you, i don't want to fly my mom from nashville just to confirm that we're ordering a cake correctly."

andrea had flown back to her own home in nashville a few days before, since she didn't have much to do after nova had proposed. she figured she should leave the couple alone for a few days.

"we could call her?" nova suggested. she was really determined to plan at least some of their wedding, since in three days taylor had to go to more locations for her tour that still wasn't over.

"we aren't calling my mom, okay!" taylor snapped slightly, almost immediately standing up, putting her head in her hands.

"we- i am a grown adult, i shouldn't need my mom for every little thing. i need to be independent because guess what, nova! this isn't some fantasy or something, it's real life. we can't rely on others for everything!" the blonde ranted on, and nova had tears that threatened to spill, but she wouldn't let them.

"i understand, tay, and-" nova started, her voice cracking, before taylor cut her off.

"no! you do not understand, nova." taylor said, staring at nova.

"okay," the shorter woman responded weakly. "okay. i don't understand. that's fine." nova said, trying to take deep breaths to calm herself down.

"i'm going on a walk." taylor announced suddenly, confusing nova.

"it's bright outside, i don't think you should-" nova tried, but once again, she was cut off.

"i can do whatever i want, nova." taylor said, not yelling like before, but still obviously upset.

for the rest of the day, nova stayed at home, and to her despair, taylor wasn't answering any of her calls.

"taylor, this is like, the fiftieth voicemail i'm leaving you. please, please, baby, just answer. i just want to be sure you're alive." nova pleaded into her phone.

she put her phone down tiredly, then hearing the door open.

she walked over to the door, seeing a seemingly drunk taylor walking in.

her eyes widened, shocked at the blondes state.

"baby?" taylor slurred, her eyes practically shut as she held the wall with one arm and a bottle of an unknown drink in the other.

"oh, taylor," nova sighed, immediately rushing to the blondes side.

taylor looked at her girlfriend, tearing her eyes from the floor. "nova, i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to make you upset, and i don't care that much if we called my mom or not, i just want to feel independent."

"tay, i know, i know, but come on, lets get you to the bedroom and we can talk more about this later when you're sober." nova suggested, letting the taller woman lean slightly into her arms.

taylor quickly took the offer, almost making nova fall over by putting all of her weight onto her. nova was able to balance herself, though, beginning to walk towards their bedroom.

walking towards the bedroom was a challenge in itself, but making sure taylor got into bed and was comfortable was even harder.

nova placed taylor onto the bed, the blonde being like a ragdoll and allowing nova to help her.

"alright, taylor can you help me a bit here, sweetheart?" nova asked quietly, aware of taylor's state.

"mhm," taylor hummed contently, barely processing what nova had even said.

"hey, baby?" the brunette asked, just to be replied with a simple hum like before.

"okay, taylor," nova said again, more sternly this time. "i'm going to take off your shoes, okay? and then i'm going to leave and get you a glass of water for when you wake up. i can already tell you're going to have a killer headache when you're more sobered up later."

taylor just hummed again, and nova sighed in defeat. the brunette tried to get her girlfriends shoes off, but wasn't able to, so she just gave up.

nova threw taylor's feet onto the bed and kissed the blondes forehead before leaving to get a glass of water.

nova grabbed the first cup she saw, which was a glass mug with a cat on it. she filled it up with water from their fridge and walked back to the bedroom.

she carefully set the mug on the nightstand next to taylor, and left the room once again to feed their two cats.

"alright, babies, time to eat." the woman whispered, before petting meredith and going to the couch.

she figured taylor would want some space to sleep, and nova wanted to give her some space.

so, that night nova slept on the couch while taylor was fast asleep in bed.

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