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AN: sorry for the extremely long wait. i am back and better than ever!! happy new year :)

it had been just a little over a month since the baby shower, and since nova had a terrible dream. since then, taylor had been super worried about her.

"okay, so we're going to lunch later with my parents. do you have any ideas where we should go?" taylor asked nova, who was sitting across from her at the dining table.

nova looked up. "oh. um, what about Delilah's? they have a great grilled chicken salad."

"okay, baby." taylor smiled sadly. "i'll tell my mom about the plan."

a few moments later, taylor spoke up again. "you know, i actually need to go to the store for something. do you want to come with me?"

nova nodded. she slipped on her sandals and they left to go to the store. nova had no idea what taylor needed, and quite frankly, neither did taylor. she just needed to get out of the house.

"there is a starbucks on the way, i kind of want a croissant," taylor broke the silence of the SUV they were in the back seat of. "ooh, and a latte. do you want anything, nova?"

nova shook her head. "i'm not hungry right now. plus, we're going to lunch in about three hours, i can just wait."

taylor gave her a look. taylor knew what it was like to have an eating disorder. and she could tell that, while she wasn't diagnosed or anything, nova was struggling.

"nova." taylor said sternly. nova was taken aback, never having been talked to in that way by her fiancé.

"look. i know it's hard. but you have to eat." taylor said. nova squinted her eyes, looking confused.

"i eat! i eat plenty. you don't have to worry-" nova was cut off.

"no. you don't, nova. and that's a problem! it is a problem that you barely eat anything, and when you do, it's fruits, vegetables, or some goddamn grilled chicken!" taylor yelled. novas eyes began tearing up, and taylor immediately felt bad.

taylor knew yelling would be the only way to actually get through to nova, even if it did hurt her.

"you're worried about nothing, taylor." nova said with a straight face, a single tear falling down her face.

taylor looked at her. "what did you eat yesterday?"


"you heard me, nova," the blonde repeated herself. "what did you eat yesterday?"

"um," nova said, thinking. "i had a bowl of cereal. then for lunch i had some cucumbers and a rice cake. and i wasn't hungry for dinner."

taylor frowned. taylor looked as if she was about to cry. and she felt like it too.

"nova..." taylor sighed.

nova shook her head, covering her face with her hands, that had become even thinner than the month before. "i know, i know."

"i need help taylor. i know it's bad but i can't bare to make it better. i can't. i know it's what's best for the babies, but i feel disgusting. taylor, i know you get it. i know you've struggled. but i can't control my continuously growing stomach. i can't control that i am getting a double chin. i grew up fat, taylor. i've always been curvy and insecure about it."

nova took a deep breath, trying to keep herself from crying. "i need help."

taylor sighed. "okay. okay, we- we'll get help. you need to get a therapist. and a nutritionist. and i'll make sure you're eating at least three meals a day. along with your prenatal vitamins. and snacks. baby, you need to eat. not only for the babies, but for you. for me. do you want your heart to stop beating? i know it's harsh, but it could happen if you keep this up."

they looked out the window and realized they had just gotten to the store. taylor wiped her eyes, getting out of the car. she opened her fiancés door for her, helping her out.

taylor wiped novas eyes, kissing her lips. "i love you so much," taylor whispered, pulling back slightly.

"i love you too, baby" nova said.

as they walked around the store, they were passing some of the food aisles. nova excused herself, waddling into one of the aisles. she came back with a bag of doritos.

"can i get these?" nova asked taylor. growing up poor, nova was constantly insecure about money, and she just wanted to make sure they had enough. well, of course they did. she just always needed to make sure she was important enough to spend the $3 for a doritos chip bag on.

taylor chuckled lightly. "of course you can." she leaned in to whisper to nova. "you can even eat them while we walk around the store."

nova smiled and opened the bag of chips.

quicker than nova could blink, it was already noon. they were supposed to meet up with taylor's parents at one, so they needed to leave ASAP.

as they checked out all of the stuff they needed to buy, taylor grabbed a candy bar. nova looked at her.

"what?" taylor laughed. "it's just a little pre game for lunch."

they left the store, driving to the restraunt. nova struggled, but once they got to the restaurant, she was craving a chicken burger with fries.

she took out her phone and quickly texted taylor. it was awkward enough since they were just waiting for taylor's parents to come.

nova- taylor

taylor- nova baby girl what's up

nova- i want a chicken burger and fries

taylor- then get the chicken burger with fries? tf? that sounds so scrumptious

nova- i know but it's like fried and i'm actually shaking rn idk if you can tell

taylor- no i can't and honestly in ten years are you really going to regret that one fried chicken sandwich and fries you got? you're not gonna gain weight from one sandwich, dw. you're so gorgeous and if that's what you want then get it.

nova- okay good point ttyl 😍❤️

nova looked up, watching taylor's parents walk in. she stood up, slowly, but surely. she smiled so widely, opening her arms to hug andrea. "hellooooo!!!" nova said excitedly. she hugged andrea tightly, then moved onto scott.

she hugged him as well, just not as tightly. they have never been as close as her and andrea.

andrea looked at her daughter, then back at nova "well, what're we waiting for? let's eat!"

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