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nova had finally gotten the courage to take the test. a pregnancy test.

she sat on the bathroom floor, leaning against the bathtub. the test was on the counter, and nova was silently counting in her head.

when she heard her phone alarm, she panicked. it was time to check the test. taylor was right outside the bathroom door.

nova stood up, almost running towards the door. she opened it and saw taylor look up at her.

"what does it say?" taylor questioned cautiously.

"i couldn't look. can you please come in?" nova needed the support from her fiancé, she was shaking just thinking about the results.

taylor nodded, standing up and going into the bathroom. nova covered her eyes as taylor looked at the test.

"what does it say?" nova asked, her eyes still closed. when she was met with silence, she decided to open her eyes.

taylor was looking down at the test, tears pooling in her eyes. nova couldn't help but start tearing up seeing her fiancé, and thinking the worst.

all of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. taylor looked over at nova to see if the brunette knew who could be at the door.

when she realized nova had a confused look on her face as well, taylor decided to go answer the door, not realizing she was still holding the test.

nova stood in the bathroom, confused and scared. what did the pregnancy test say?

the blonde quickly wiped the tears off of her face, walking towards the front door.

as she opened the door, she was met with the face of none other than her own mother.

"oh, hey mom!" taylor said, trying to be quiet so her voice didn't crack. "what're you doing here? you didn't call ahead..."

andrea looked around taylor, trying to see inside of the apartment. "where's nova? and- honey, have you been crying?"

taylor nodded, hugging her mother. the blonde began to sob, and although andrea had no idea why her daughter was crying, she rubbed her palm up and down taylor's back.

as andrea comforted her, taylor began calming herself, pulling back from the hug.

taylor wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, sniffling. "nova took a pregnancy test."

the older woman's eyes widened, and she frowned. "oh, tay. i'm so sorry. i know how badly you both wanted a baby."

taylor shook her head. "no, she- nova is pregnant."

andrea looked confused, so taylor continued. "the test was positive, im just-"

taylor sniffled. "i'm so scared, mom. all that i'm thinking about are all of the things that could go wrong. i should try staying positive, but i know all of the risks, and i can't help but worry."

andrea nodded, now understanding. "okay, well, what does nova think?"

taylor's eyes widened. "oh my gosh- i will be right back!"

the blonde turned around, running into the bathroom and seeing nova still standing.

the brunette looked at taylor. "what does it say?"

taylor smiled, "it's positive, nova." nova let out a relieved sigh. "oh my gosh, you're having a baby!"

"i'm- what?" nova said, tilting her head. "i'm pregnant?" she asked, just to confirm, in shock of the positive result.

taylor nodded, and nova started to panic slightly. "taylor, i said i was ready but i don't think i am. do you know how much babies cost? and i will get all fat and ugly and my body will never be the same again."

taylor frowned, looking at the brunette in front of her. "nova, if that's all you're worried about, then one, i promise you, we aren't going to struggle financially to give this child the best life they could ask for. and i don't care about your physical appearance. you could be the ugliest woman alive and i would still love you infinitely, because you are still going to be beautiful in my mind."

nova nodded, slightly reassured. "thank you, tay."

"wait, who was at the door?" the brunette asked, watching taylor's eyes widen impossibly big.

"it was my mom, she came without telling me. i should probably go back to her, she might think i'm trying to murder you or something."

nova laughed, watching taylor run out of the room and back to her mother.

nova followed, just a bit slower since she wasn't guilty for taylor leaving the older woman alone on their porch.

she saw taylor and andrea in the kitchen, so nova went and sat next to her fiancé.

"so, nova. i heard you're pregnant, congratulations!" andrea said, smiling at her soon to be daughter-in-law.

"thank you, andrea. please don't tell anyone, even my mother. nobody else knows yet, since i literally just found out a minute ago." nova laughed, and andrea chuckled.

"well, you know me. i'm an amazing secret keeper, and i wouldn't do anything to jeopardize this time for you both to just enjoy the pregnancy."

nova nodded. "well," the brunette looked at her fiancé. "do you both want to order pizza or something?"

taylor looked at her mother, who nodded. "yeah, pizza sounds good. why don't you two turn on a movie or something and i can go pick one up."

andrea volunteered to get the pizza, and nova accepted. as andrea left the apartment, taylor looked over at nova, smirking.

"do you think we could do a quickie while she's gone?" taylor suggested, making nova laugh.

"no, taylor!"

an hour later, andrea had brought back the pizza. it was a flatbread pizza, half hawaiian, novas favorite, and half cheese, taylor's favorite.

taylor and nova were cuddled up on the couch, and andrea sat alone with meredith. they had turned on a movie, but nobody was really paying attention to it.

nova had her head on taylor's shoulder, nearly falling asleep. she was listening to taylor and andrea catch up on life.

"do you guys have any plans for new year's day?" andrea asked taylor, who looked down at her fiancé.

seeing nova half asleep, she decided to respond. "we might just have some friends over. maybe invite gigi, selena, hailee, and karlie over for a drink."

taylor smiled, thinking about her friends. "you're welcome to come over as well."

andrea shook her head. "i think you and nova should be able to hang out without your mother there, watching you like a hawk."

soon after, andrea saw herself out, promising to talk soon.

nova was now fully asleep on top of taylor, making her feel bad when she had to get up.

taylor tried doing so that nova wouldn't wake up, but she was unsuccessful. hearing nova groan at the now missing warmth of the older woman, taylor apologized.

"i'm sorry, baby. i have to get ready for bed. do you want to come lay down in the bed? i promise you, it's a lot more comfortable than this couch." the blonde laughed.

"i'll be there in a minute." nova mumbled, barely understood by taylor.

the blonde smiled, turning to get ready in their bathroom.

after changing, washing her face, and brushing her teeth, she left the bathroom, seeing nova curled on their bed.

as taylor lie down, she smiled to herself. facing nova, she placed a soft kiss to her forehead. "goodnight, my love."

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