9. To Lose Someone

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Phoenix's POV:

I lick my lips still tasting her warm skin and blood in my mouth. I hated the feeling she woke up on me. My beast was intrigued by her, trusting my son's judgment, knowing that there was a reason why my son thought of her as his mother.

But me? I hated her. She might not been the one who kidnapped his egg, but she was still human, and humans were selfish beings that only knew the way of destruction. I needed to find a way to break the bond she shared with my son so I could ship her back to her realm as soon as possible.

Now that she was gone, I could finally put my focus on my son. He looked up at me and couldn't hold the smile on my face. The betrayal of his mother still hurt, but he was my boy, and I already loved him with all my soul and heart.

One day, he'll be sitting on the throne with a crown on his head.

"What do you think about... Uh, Brax?"

I see him running to the bathroom and after a moment, I hear him calling for me.

"What..?" I mumble when I see him sitting in front of the toilet. He barks and scratches the lid. Confused, I put the lid up and instantly he jumps and positions himself in the middle with his legs wide open at each side and then... I hear him peeing.

I cracked a laugh, too stunned by the sight.

"What in the world are you doing, Brax? Who taught you to do that?"

He only acknowledged me once he was done, barking and smiling up at me.

I must admit, that was an incredible move, I give the human that. Normally hatchlings like to go in the wild, so it would have never occurred to me to teach my son to use the toilet.

"Who's a smart fella" I coo, but soon the smile fades when I remember mocking the human for talking with him.

I growl.

Why does she have to mess with everything?

Why does she have to mess with everything?

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Lilly's POV:

I lean on the windowsill after being served lunch, looking outside where Phoenix was teaching Brax how to fly. So far, he was doing good, but I could sense he was holding back, still scared to not be at arm-length from his dad.

Brax jumped off his father's hands that were up in the sky to glide heading to a tree branch, but he wouldn't reach it if he didn't start flapping his wings. He did it clumsily but still had some inches left and ended up landing on the tree trunk firmly holding on with his sharp claws.

With the help of his wings, he was able to reach the tree branch.

"That's my boy"I whisper to myself, excited at Brax's little achievement.

I notice Phoenix turning around to stare at me and growling lowly at me, Brax out of earshot.

I tensed my jaw, wanting so badly to be able to growl back at him like a wild animal but I knew I didn't have that capacity.

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