19. A Beast and Its Desires

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Get ready to love this chapter, I know you are going to enjoy it! I've been waiting for you to read it😄


I didn't know what was going on with me the moment I saw her arriving at the ballroom. I could feel my body warming up, and the need to touch her skin was overwhelming. I had to take a moment to reign in my beast. He wanted her, he wanted her all to himself, but we couldn't have her. I would be damned if I allowed him to indulge in his desires.

I was the king, and she was a human. I was expected to behave a certain way and my kingdom deserved a strong queen. I already had a lapse of judgment with the mother of my son. I thought she was someone she clearly was not. I didn't know Lilly and it was best it stayed that way. She was here for Brax and nothing more.

Despite thinking all that, I keep finding myself looking for her while conversing with important shifters who came to celebrate my son.

I spot her white frame like a star in a dark sky, wandering at the edges of the ballroom. I could sense she was uneasy, but on the outside, she kept a confident and calm demeanor. She turns and I lower my eyes to her naked back, dark dots splattered all over her smooth skin. An intrusive thought invaded me and I wondered if her skin would be soft under my tongue.

I swallow hard and force myself to look away. I couldn't have those thoughts about her... It was... not proper. Still, she has my mark and might be taking a part in whatever she is making me feel. Creating a bond that wasn't there at the beginning and had no room to exist.

I continued greeting guests and introducing Brax, who loved all the attention. In the middle of a conversation, my mind went back to her and I looked around. My beast awakes when I see her chatting happily with my cousin.

Cassian was a single father, his mate dying two years after the birth of her daughter, five years ago. I bet he felt attracted to her seeing Lilly interacting with Brax. The idea of my cousin seeing a motherly figure in her made me boil in rage somehow.

I growl in instinct, my beast taking over. I gave Brax to my parents on my way to her, people already parting for me, sensing my beast was on the surface. As if sensing me, Lilly turns around still smiling, and spots me. When she notices my eyes, her smile drops, and my beast doesn't like that.

 When she notices my eyes, her smile drops, and my beast doesn't like that

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😮‍💨🐉I was talking with Cassian, who turns out to be Phoenix's cousin and also a father. He was clearly a proud dad and was talking about his daughter,  Edith. He tells me how amazing it is that I bonded with a shifter baby and proceeded to talk about Edith.

In the middle of a story, I feel my body tensing, the hair on my neck standing on end. I turn and drop the smile when I notice Phoenix approaching with a determined look. His eyes were shining red. I could feel his anger and menace. My instincts were yelling at me to run, but I was confused because deep down, I knew Phoenix would never hurt me.

He stops in front of us, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Dance," says, his voice sounding deep and guttural. His hands were outstretched and on instinct, I raised mine, but I was still hesitant. With no more words, he takes my hands and drags me to the dance floor, spinning me once there, and making me clash against his hard body.

"Phoenix?" I ask, doubtful. What he was doing? What upset him so much that his beast was now in control?

His free hand goes to my back, firmly pressed against my bare skin, and I shudder when the tip of his fingers ends just a bit inside my dress. It was like he was trying to... touch me, to be in contact with my skin. But... why?

I look up. His eyes pierced mine with fierceness. It was like he was challenging me. To what? I didn't know. He moved us around, and I could feel his body relaxing against me, thus, my body relaxing as well.

I moved my hand that was on his shoulder to the back of his neck, getting a stronger grip, and while watching him, I dared to play with his hair. I always wondered if it was as soft as it looked, and it was.

I felt his chest rumbling ever so lightly, his hand going deeper inside the dress until his fingers were curling around my waist. I suck in a breath, surprising myself liking the feel of his warm hand on my skin. I wondered how his calloused hands would feel all over my body, and wished I could press my legs together to ease the throbbing in between.

It was embarrassing that I suddenly felt so aroused by this man. It's been a while since I've been with a man and Phoenix had a sex appeal that was hard to ignore.

Our eyes never break away, and at some point, he leans to smell me. I close my eyes and force myself to hide my face on his chest. It pained me that I was feeling all these emotions, that Phoenix was acting like he was just as affected as me, but in reality, it wasn't Phoenix, it was his beast. His beast wanted me close, wanted to touch me, to feel me, but not Phoenix himself. And I hated myself for liking the attention his beast was giving me.

I knew I needed to keep my distance, but I had always been a lonely person, and this was the first time anyone had shown me affection in a while, and I just couldn't walk away right now, because I knew it wont's happen again.

I swallowed hard when his beast buried his nose in my head, doing small movements in a small caress. His beast was soft and caring with me. I always thought his beast would be intimidating, a strong force to not mess with. A creature that could kill in seconds and burn you alive. Right now, his beast felt comfortable enough with me to show me his vulnerable side, and I would never forget this.

I wonder if I'll be able to find someone to love me in this realm. Because if I'm being honest, I wouldn't be able to stay sane if I had to spend a lifetime of loneliness just to stay in Brax's life.

That night I slept with a heavy heart.



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