46. A Sibling?

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"No... I shouldn't..." I mutter, hesitating with my hand in the air. "Should I? I mean... It's really good, and I really want some more... but I don't want to gain weight..." 

I look over Brax who only has eyes to what I have in my hand.

I give him a piece and he devours the brownie in a second, much like a dog.

"Dude, you need to chew it and enjoy the flavor, you monster. It doesn't make much sense to give you some of my goods if you are going to just swallow it!"

He huffs at me and goes back to lay his head on top of my belly, much like he's been doing the past two days. Tomorrow would be Monday and Phoenix would be arriving at noon. Meanwhile, I would go on walks and either cook or bake, or ride a horse.

"Fuck it," I mutter and bring the brownie into my mouth. "Fuck it! Phoenix is already mated to me so he will have to suck it up if I gain weight!" I reason.

They were so good! Though I was honestly craving donuts, Dunkin Donuts to be precise. The problem was that this realm doesn't have any of those and that was annoying as fuck. I will have to ask Phoenix if he would take me to the human realm for some donuts, and to also visit my friends and family.

I am yet to know how Phoenix creates portals through realms. It sounds fun!

There's a knock on the door, and a voice telling me that Edith and her Grandmother have arrived. I yell my acknowledgment and stand up much to Brax's disappointment.

"What? Your cousin is here!"

He grunts, staring at me with an expression I have yet to decipher.

"Come!" I grab his big ass and walk to the reception area to welcome Edith and her grandmother, Phoenix's aunt, who was about time we both met.

We would have tea and then when it gets dark we would accompany the kids to catch fireflies to then release them. It was perfect timing because I could use more food.

"Lilly! Brax!" Edith comes running to us, hugging Brax first and then me.

"Hello, darling, is good to see you again," I say to which she giggles, since we saw each other last Friday. I look up at Carmen and I smile at her, not really knowing how should I greet her. Is it a kiss on the cheek too forward? A handshake might seem too formal and impersonal..."Carmen, it is nice to finally meet you!"

"Your majesty," she surprises me by bowing and I stay still, panicking a little.

"Oh! Please don't... we are practically family now!" I say, laughing nervously.

She smiles shyly, blushing a little.

She has a darker tone of skin than mine since I was pretty much white as a sheet of paper. Her brown hair was tied up in a loose bun and has chocolate eyes. She was thirty-eight years old is what Phoenix told me.

"Please come, tea is ready in the garden," I say to break the tense atmosphere and we walk seeing the kids tease each other.

I have noticed Edith tends to be more in her dragon form when she plays with Brax, and something tells me it is to not make Brax feel different or left out.

We sit at the small glass table and the kids join us and we all eat. I started conversing with Carmen about the kids because I knew we had that in common and might expand the conversation later on. It's been a while since I met anyone new, and I've always struggled a bit to socialize, so I was trying my hardest here since Carmen was the great aunt of my son and maybe we could rely on each other in the future.

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