15. Fuck etiquette

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I spent a lot of time in the library, gathering a pile of books that I planned to take back to my room. The guard who was assigned to watch over me almost fell asleep on the seat that I asked him to sit in because I knew I would be there for a while.

The library was huge, it even held some resemblance to the library from the Beauty and the Beast movie. Only this library was painted in dark colors, and the bookshelves were of dark oak, it had three stories up that were the width of three people, and you could access the stories through a snail staircase on either side of the library. It was so dreamy and huge that I knew it would take me more than one afternoon to go through all the shelves to see what kind of books were there.

I got some that explained dragon history. I knew that if I were to stay and be part of Brax's life, I needed to learn all about them—their culture, their mannerism, their anatomy, and what goes in their lives. I got one that explained their traditions and another one about their mythology.

Then I took a variety of books. Some were romance, others were philosophy and psychology. I knew I couldn't be picky, I needed to get a hold of as many books as possible if I didn't want to get bored here.

When the night had already fallen and my stomach started to growl for food, it was when I decided I had enough books for a while, and with the help of the guard, I took the books to my room.

On my way there, I see many people, maids, I presume, going everywhere, with stuff in their hands. They seemed stressed and in a hurry. I quickened my steps to where the guard was walking before me to ask him about it.

"What is going on? What is everyone doing?"

The guard gives me a sideways glance and then looks in front of him, uninterested.

"The King is throwing a celebration tomorrow for the heir's return"

I falter in my steps, shocked.

Why Phoenix didn't mention the celebration to me? Then I remembered, that dragon shifters hated humans and he just started showing a bit of acceptance to my persona, so I understood that he didn't want me there, but that didn't stop me from feeling a bit hurt.

I wanted to celebrate Brax, I would love to go to a party in the castle, to learn about dragons and their ways firsthand, but I guess I wasn't really entitled to be invited.

I continue walking in silence and when I reach my wing, I enter my room ready to plop the books on the floor but I stop when I notice an empty bookshelf against the wall in front of my bed. It wasn't big. It was one meter high and 1 meter 5 long. It was the color of light oak and it was... perfect.

A mix of emotions fills me. What did it mean? It is clear that Phoenix made someone bring it here because he knew I was heading to the library after visiting the garden.

Does this mean he... cared? Was this a peace offering? I didn't know, but I appreciated it a lot.

I bit my lower lip, trying to avoid thinking about the warm feeling that started to spread in my chest.

I start putting the book in the bookcase. It had three rows and I didn't even complete the first row so I'm happy to see that I can put more books in it. It excited me.

I decided to start reading about Dragons so I wouldn't be too blindsided in future situations and encounters with other Dragon shifters. But before I could settle, I heard a knock on the door. On the other side, I find a maid.

"The kind has summoned you to dine in his personal dining room," she says in a monotone tone. "Please, follow me. The King awaits." She turns to start walking without waiting for a reply.

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