26. Mazes and Mayhem

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Dedicated to -aishu- for your wonderful comments and votes! I adore the nickname you gave me. Wish you all the very best for your exam! I'm rooting for you ^-^

A huge shoutout to stalkingouutacontrol for the eagerness as well as the patience you have demonstrated. I'm proud of you soldier, good work ;p Thanks very much for the support hun!

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors.


Zuerien's POV *on popular demand ;) *

Walking out of Suzzanah's room, I couldn't help but smile to myself and also be surprised at how easily the expression came to me. A few weeks ago I wouldn't even in my wildest dreams have thought that there would come a time when I'd actually have to struggle to keep the smile off my face, much as I found myself doing whenever I was around Suzzanah.

So why struggle at all? Just smile why don't you?

I sighed on hearing the deeper huskier replica of my own voice sound inside my head, the voice that belonged to my other half.


Am I wrong human? Surely you like to smile just as much as the other guy, then why don't you?

You know better than anyone it isn't as easy at that...

I do human...and I'm not asking you to go around looking like an advertisement for toothpaste either. But when it comes naturally, I wish you wouldn't keep it off your face.


After all, they say that man is the only animal that can smile. As inaccurate as that may be, you could at least redeem it a little bit by making use of your muscles of facial expression.

I scowled

I didn't mean those muscles

Please be quiet Kai. Whatever happened to the pensive quiet wolf who only spoke words of wisdom?

I believe John is with Talon as we speak

I shook my head in exasperation but my lips quirked upwards slightly.

See, that wasn't so hard. A little more and it'll actually pass for a decent enough smile instead of resembling facial palsy.


We're here!

I stopped in my tracks and looked up at the woods before me, thick and vast, stretching out like a blanket over the undergrowth. The clouds were still thick in the blue-grey evening sky, casting dark shadows over the trees ahead. There was no human around me, so I overturned the bolt in the fence and pushed the little door open before replacing it and walking into the forest.

The minute I stepped onto the undergrowth, I felt the presence of Marco's maze all around me, but I stayed unaffected by it, just as any other wolf would. The maze was meant only for humans and other Supernaturals who were forbidden from entering the secluded lands.

Nearly 15 meters into the woods, I saw a thin golden line glowing in the undergrowth before me- the territorial shield line, beyond which were the secluded lands exclusive to my kind. The golden glow was a boundary line visible only to wolves. Beyond this line no being other than those permitted by the shield could enter the forest.

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