59. Ready

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The phenomenal banner above was made my darling Dreamzangel21. The entire cast of Unconditionally. This is the best 'first-book-completing' gift ever! Thank you love!

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors.

Dedicated to ALL MY READERS! Every single one of you that have come this far with me.

Thank you...

Thank you...

Thank you.

I love you guys

So, this is the very last chapter of Unconditionally- TBOR...



Suzzanah's POV

I woke up from the best sleep I had ever had in my entire life only to nearly come face to face with the floor the very next second.

An alarmed cry escaped my lips as my hands flattened against the hard ground underneath my bed before my head could slam into it while the rest of my body remained awkwardly perched on the bed, as though not sure whether to just fall off, or keep hanging.

Grumbling to myself, I pushed my torso up and wiggled rest of myself back into bed again. Once I was done with my morning workout, I took the time to look around the room. It was the same bedroom I had woken up in yesterday just before going out to attend the Moonlight Festival, the one in Zuerien's cottage.


Even the thought of his name made my body heat up instantly as I recalled everything that had happened last night. My face flamed and I buried my face in my pillows, waiting for the intense emotions to die down a little. Once I felt a bit more in control, I took a deep breath.

I loved him

A small smile made its way to my face as another thought hit me,

And I had told him

I grinned to myself, feeling my body flush in happiness.

But he didn't say it back

I did remember him having mumbled something in reply to my confession just before I fell asleep, but I could no longer remember what it had been. My grin fell slightly but I quickly shook it off, smiling widely again. It was alright even if he didn't say it. He could tell me as and when he felt like he loved me back, and when he wanted to.

Until then that I would be more than content to make do with that endless affection that had flooded his eyes every time he had looked at me last night.

Content, I stretched my hands above my head only to wince and stop mid-movement when a sharp pain dashed down one side of my body. And I gasped in realization.


Diving out of bed, I dashed into the bathroom ignoring the dizzy spells that were making my head spin wildly. Before looking into the mirror, I shook my head and blinked rapidly, trying to get my blurry vision clear.

Then taking a deep breath, I raised my head to look at myself in the glass. My reflection in the mirror made my eyes literally bulge out of their sockets in awe. I was still wearing the same dress from last night but right now I was covered in dirt with a few blades of grass sticking out of my hair, and despite all that...I was positively glowing!

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