47. Conflicting Opinions

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Dedicated to dragonrock for your wonderful and constant messages of encouragement! I appreciate it hon!

A huge shoutout to Sakshhh for your support as well as for the lovely cover on the side! Thank you!


NOTE: If there is anything you don't understand or find confusing, please feel free to PM and I'll try and explain it to you, as best as I can, without revealing the plot ;)

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors. Enjoy!


Suzzanah's POV

"No, nothing yet"

I sighed and slumped against the headboard. I could feel a headache coming, and it was going to be bad.

Alpha Penson had just gotten news from Zuerien, Marco and Cole who were currently at the orphanage. They had been searching for the shadow for the past 20 minutes but hadn't found it.

I had been extremely relieved to learn that the children were all safe and unharmed. Zuerien had had them all shifted out of the orphanage and into some of the VIP cottages here at the Games while the orphanage was being searched.

When I had told Alpha Penson about having seen a Shadow yesterday, at the orphanage, for a few seconds he had been stunned into silence. But the silence hadn't been one brought about by shock, but one brought about by realization.

It was like the last missing piece of a puzzle had been found and fit in, and just like that, everything suddenly made sense to him.

But before I had had a chance to ask him about it, he had bombarded me with a thousand questions, making me recite, in detail, about the last time I saw the shadow at the orphanage, under Tony's chair.

Immediately afterward, he had mind linked Zuerien about it. While he and Marco searched the orphanage with some fellow wolves, Cole and Del were searching the woods while Rino and Mr. Talon were helping search the cottages.

I, on the other hand, was under house arrest with Alpha Penson aka the thinker, for company. No matter how many questions I asked, I got the same answers.

Perhaps, maybe, it is a possibility...

Over the 400 and odd years of Alpha Penson's life, he had mastered the skill of being able to envision multiple theories behind one simple occurrence, while I, in my 20 plus one years of simplistic ignorance, could barely envision one.

Alpha Penson had told me that the shadows of all the children in the orphanage had been checked, and they had all been there, including Tony's, under whose chair I had first seen the shadow at the orphanage yesterday.

"So how exactly do you think this shadow thingy is surviving here, without its caster?" I asked Alpha Penson tiredly.

"It's not", Alpha Penson replied, "Its caster may very well be here at the Games"

I sat up straight in bed, only for him to motion for me to lay back down again. Leaning against the headboard, I asked, "But Marco's mazes prevent Shadow people from entering, don't they?" I asked.

He nodded, "They do", he replied, "Which means that either the Shadow People have managed to figure out a way to breach his mazes, or to allow their supernatural shadows to be able to survive independent of their casters for long periods and over long distances"

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