Eat Right

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Meal Plan For The Day

Breakfast - Big & Balanced

Carbs: Rye toast, fruit, seeds, spinach

Proteins: Eggs, salmon, turkey sausages

Fruit: Whatever you find tasty

Lunch - Healthy & Easy

Proteins & Starch: Crackers + hummus, turkey sandwich

Veggies: Carrot and cucumber sticks, green salad

Extra: Fruit, trails, low fat yogurt, cottage cheese

Dinner - Clean & Tasty

Carbs: Brown rice or pasta, sweet potato

Proteins: Skinless chicken, fish, lean meat, lentils

Veggies: Green vegetables is the best, but have whatever you fancy!

Plate Proportions

Breakfast plate: 40% fruit, 20% protein, 40% starch/grains

Lunch plate: 40% fruits/veggies, 20% protein, 40% starch/grains

Dinner plate: 50% veggies, 25% protein, 25% starch/grains

1 Week Sugar-Free Meal Plan


Breakfast ~ 2 scrambled eggs, 1/4 sliced avocado, 1/2 sliced tomato

Lunch ~ 2-3 cups salad veggies of your choice with oil + vinegar dressing (no sugar)

Snack ~ Larabar and/or unsalted nuts/seeds

Dinner ~ Roasted chicken breast or baked/roasted portobello mushrooms with 1 cup of veggies


Breakfast ~ Smoothie (recipes under Snacks section)

Lunch ~ 1/2 cup hummus + sliced veggies

Snack ~ Unsalted nuts/seeds + orange

Dinner ~ Vegetable soup


Breakfast ~ Poached eggs, salt/pepper over steamed kale/spinach

Lunch ~ Leftover vegetable soup (from Monday)

Snack ~ Apple slices with 2 tbsp of almond butter

Dinner ~ Veggie and tofu or chicken Stir-fry (cooked with sesame oil, tamari, garlic, onion, pepper, and ginger)


Breakfast ~ Banana, natural peanut butter, unsweetened cocoa and no sugar almond milk smoothie

Lunch ~ Spinach salad with hard boiled eggs + avocado

Snack ~ Larabar and/or unsalted nuts/seeds

Dinner ~ Burrito bowls: Brown rice, black beans, guacamole, diced tomatoes, and onion + hot sauce


Breakfast ~ Soft or hard boiled eggs and apple slices

Lunch ~ Leftover veggie and tofu or chicken Stir-fry (from Tuesday)

Snack ~ Celery stalks with peanut butter

Dinner ~ Tuna/tofu salad lettuce wraps


Breakfast ~ Fruit + Smoothie (recipes under Snacks section) 

Lunch ~ 2-3 cups salad veggies of your choice with oil + vinegar dressing (no sugar)

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