Skin Care Routine

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*Remember that patch testing is important! Also, introduce new products individually so you don't overload your skin. Everyone's skin is different so this is just a general guide*

Basic Skin Care Routine

Every Morning

Cleanse + Tone + Moisturize + SPF

Every Night

Sunday: Cleanse + Exfoliate + Tone + Moisturize

Monday: Cleanse + Tone + Serum + Moisturize

Tuesday: Cleanse + Tone Mask + Moisturize

Wednesday: Cleanse + Exfoliate +Tone + Moisturize

Thursday: Cleanse + Tone + Serum + Moisturize

Friday: CleanseTone + Mask  + Moisturize

Saturday: Cleanse + Tone + Serum + Moisturize


Advanced Skin Care Routine

Note: Any products you don't have/aren't going to use (eg. SPF (sunscreen) at night), you can just skip over

Second Note: Of course you won't do all of these in one session, but if you're just starting off with skincare, I would recommend the list above

Before you start, remember to pin/tie hair out of your face!

1. Oil Cleanser - Designed to remove makeup, sebum, and sunscreen

2. Foam Cleanser - A gentle cleanser that helps remove dirt and extra oils

3. Clay Mask - A deep cleanse to the skin

4. Exfoliant - Sugar scrubs, brushes, gels, etc. Helps to really clean out the pores

5. pH Adjusting Toner - Helps pH levels and boosts the effects of your Actives

6. Actives - *Should be introduced slowly, as over exfoliant is possible* Use either BHA or AHA. Chemical exfoliants for your skin. Some people wait 15 minutes before moving to the next step from this step

7. Hydrating Toner/Booster - Preps the skin for later steps while adding moisture

8. Prescription products - Anything given to you by a doctor

9. Essence -> Serum -> Ampoule - Highly concentrated products that cater to many skin issues

10. Emulsion/Lotion - Lighter moisturizers used to calm and soothe skin as well as hydrate

11. Sheet Mask - Masks soaked in essence to cater to many skin needs

12. Eye cream - Used just around your eyes. Can be for firming, lifting or brightening  

13. Spot Treatment - Typically salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide gels/creams used to target spots

14. Moisturizer/Cream/Facial Oils - Provides heavy hydration to the skin

15. Sleeping Pack/Mask - Heavier, thicker creams/gels that provide moisture at night

16. Sunscreen - Protects skin from sun damage/burns. Aim for SPF 30+


Make Your Own Routine

You know your skin best so, why not make your own skin care routine? Below are some general guidelines I've followed throughout the years, however, please note I have combination skin. So, although I may be able to do, for example, a clay mask two times a month, if you have sensitive/dry skin, you may only be able to do it once a month or once every two months.

- Cleanse your face before doing anything to it

- Exfoliate face and body only twice a week to avoid drying out your skin (sugar scrubs are fantastic) (recipes found in the DIY chapter)

- Use a sheet mask once a week (or any nutrient giving mask)

- Apply cleanser and exfoliate on a facial cleansing brush for maximum effects

- Clay masks should one be done one to two times a month

- A chemical peel should only be done once a month

- Blackhead removal only be done once a week if needed

- Dry brushing (explained in Self-Care Tips chapter) should be done everyday before showering

- Oil cleansing works for all skin types and should be tried at least once (explained in Self-Care Tips chapter)

- Sunscreen should be applied every day (yes even if it's cloudy/raining, the sun still gets through)

- Make a yearly checkup with a dermatologist, the professionals know best

In the Shopping List chapter, there are many websites and products linked to aid you in expanding upon your skincare journey in case you don't want to DIY everything.

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