Key To Soft Skin

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- Apply Johnson's baby oil gel as soon as you get out of the shower and Vaseline cocoa radiant after you dry off  

~ Daily Drinking Schedule for Soft Skin: Morning - warm/hot lemon water (20 ounces), Afternoon - green tea (20 ounces), Evening - Green smoothie (recipes in the Eat Right chapter) (20 ounces), Night - spa water (recipes in the Eat Right chapter) (20 ounces)  

~ When you're showering use an exfoliating tool, like a body brush or an exfoliating net

~ Use a good body scrub 1-2 times a week (recipes in the DIY chapter). Use exfoliating gloves to make it more effective

~ Always have a lotion or body butter. Apply with oil for extra moisturizing effects 

~ Give your hands and feet some extra loving care. Moisturize your feet with a heavy cream, and wear infused socks to keep them soft. 

~ Whipped shea butter is super moisturizing

~ Shaving (with coconut oil) and waxing will keep you smooth and stubble free  

~ Dry scalps cure is to rinse it with apple cider vinegar and cool water

~ If you have eyebrow dandruff apply lemon juice, as long as your skin isn't broken, and rinse off after 20 minutes

~ To be rid of rough elbows, rub honey and sugar onto them with half of a cut potato 

~ Pasty knees be gone! Exfoliate them with olive oil and sea salt

~ Cracked feet and heals can be soothed by soaking them in one cup of antiseptic mouthwash, one cup vinegar and two cups of water for 20 minutes 

~ Cracked hands are fixed by massaging them with olive oil 

~ Chapped lips can be exfoliated with brown/white sugar and coconut oil, rinsed off then have chapped stick/gloss applied

~ A flaky face can be solved by making a face mask (recipes in the DIY chapter) and having it sit on your face for 20 minutes or applying a store bought one 

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