Chapter 4

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Narrator's POV


24 Years Ago

She sat on her front porch watching her 5 sons training with their father learning how to use guns and aim correctly, for they were the future mafia kings after all.

Her elder son Leo who looks exactly like his father but have her blue eyes. That is the only thing all her boys got from  her that is her ocean blue eyes. He was only 9 years old yet he wanted to learn everything he needs to know to be the mafia king. She doesn't understand how a 9 year old can be so serious all the time. She can say that he is his father's carbon copy. Sometimes even the teenagers get scared because of his scary expressions.

Her second eldest were triplets . It was a shock to them because they thought it was twins so the triplets  came out as a surprise. The eldest in triplets is Matthew , he is also just like his father but he got her hair with her eyes. He is mama's boy ,and can   literally do any thing for his mother.

The second triplet is Liam , he is a prankster of the family. He is always smiling and jolly. He loves to prank his elder brother the most.

The third triplet is Carson, he is a calm one . He loves to read books ,and spend time with her mother .

The last and the youngest one is Alec. He is the bundle of happiness , he is always smiley and ready to help. He is one energetic kid.

She sat their with a smile on her face as she watch her eldest son Leo helping Alec to hold the gun properly.

" I love this smile on your face the most my queen, but i would like know the reason behind this beautiful smile " asked  Steven her husband , her king. The Mafia King of London .
Everyone fear him , even his name send the chills to others  . He is the feared mafia who will put a bullet in your head if you wrong him in any way without second thoughts.
But she love him despite knowing what he does and who he is . Because for her he was her savior, he gave her this second life , a second chance to live her  life as she wants. When she was on the brink of loosing herself he came as a knight in shining armour.
For her he is her king and for him she is his queen.

"I am just happy watching our kids love, I can't believe we came so far in our lives. I never thought that one day i will have my own family whom i will cherish the most. It seems like a dream ." She said  looking at him with love filled eyes.

" Then let me show you that it isn't a dream my love. " He said and next second is kissing his wife with passion.

Suddenly she felt nauseous , she pushed him away and ran to the nearest washroom and start spilling her guts out. Steven came after her and push her hair back. After few minutes of dry heaving she stood up and wash her mouth.

"Are you alright love. Come lets go to the doctor right now " steven said worriedly looking at her.
Who will believe that this big bad mafia man will be so caring  and loving husband and father.

" No no , no need for doctor , i am perfectly fine , just some stomach bug i guess" she said softly.

He knew she doesn't like doctors but he can't take risk with her health.

"Fine but if it doesn't get better in 1-2 days then we are going to see the doctors, and no arguments" he said sternly when he saw her opening her mouth.

" Come lets get you to bed" he said and took her bridal style in his arms.

" But what about kids, they are alone outside and its dinner time already i should go and give them food first then i will take rest . Ok"  she asked wiggling in his arms so that he could put her down.

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