Chapter 34

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Giovanni's POV

After few hours we landed in Italy . We came out of the jet and saw our men ready with cars to take us back to our mansion where that bi*#h is locked.

Once i reach there that bi*#h is gonna regret for crossing me.

If anything happened to my sister i am gonna bury her alive. How dare she risked my sister's life.

After few hours ride we reached home and i directly went inside to confront her when suddenly Marco came to me with head hanging low .

I looked at him for a few minutes then looked away.

"Where is she?" I asked him coldly.

"In the basement boss" he replied and with that we went to the basement .

We went inside and thats when i saw her locked in a cell with guards guarding her.

"Open the door" i ordered

"Melissa Melissa.... What did i told you before leaving huh!!?" I asked her lowly and watched as fear entered her eyes.

"You know Melissa if you have attacked me or something i would have still let you go but going after my sister you just wrote your death certificate. Now be a little smart and answer me truthfully where is my sister?" I asked her calmly .

"I... I don't know" she said trembling.

"I am asking you nicely don't make me angry or you will have to face the consequences" i told her.

"Now let try again shall we? Where is my sister? I asked again

"I ...i really don't know i ..just..---" she was saying but i cut her off by slamming my hand on the wall.

"You are a girl and we don't hit women in our mafia but god help me if you didn't tell me where my sister is i won't hesitate to beat the shit out of you" i screamed at her.

" Pl...please i really don't know where she is " she repeated the same thing and this time i lost my mind and was going to slap her hard when someone took hold of my hand.

I turned angrily to see who dared to stop me and saw it was my mom with dad standing behind her.

"Mom?" I asked as she never comes in the basement.

"Our men don't hit a women or child and i won't let you break this rule" she said

"But mom she won't answer me about the whereabouts of emmy and you are stopping me from hitting her " i said to her

"Son i said men don't hit women in our mafia but i didn't said i won't. Let me handle her" she said and took a step forward.

Mom went to her and sat in front of her then suddenly took a hold of her hair and tugged them hard.

"Now Melissa i may have stopped my son from hitting you but don't think for a second that i will hesitate to beat the shit out of you. " She said

"I will ask you just once and if you fail to answer me what i want to hear then be ready to face the consequences." She said lowly.

"WHERE. IS .MY .DAUGHTER?" She asked loudly.

"Bl... believe me i ...i really don't know where she is i just gave her some cash and helped her escape i... didn't book any ticked  for her nor i know where she went....please tru....--" she was cut off by a loud slap mom gave her.

"So you won't  tell me where she is or with whom were you working....huh!!! You think i am a fool that you will help her escape and she will go somewhere for vacation and the man you are working with won't abduct her?" She said raising her voice.

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