Chapter 5

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24 years ago

After 6 months

The little princess woke up and started crying wanting her father or brothers to come and take her in their arms.

Steven heard the wailing of her little princess and went to her room where she lays in her pink and white crib crying.

He went near her crib and took the little princess in his arms trying to calm her down.

"Hey baby shh. ..its ok baby ...its ok.. i am here  shh. ..calm down princess... He cooed to her as he went down in the kitchen to make the milk bottle for her.

He took the princess back in her room and sit in the chair placed in the corner and put a bottle in her mouth.

She drank the milk hungrily watching her father and after few minutes closed her eyes.

Steven got up and put the princess in her crib and stand their watching as his princess sleep peacefully .

He kissed her forehead lovingly and went in his room . He stand in front of his queen's portrait.

"I wish you were here with me my queen to see our princess growing up. She is such a happy child always smiling . Our boys are so protective over her. I know you are watching from above, but i miss you my love" he said as a single tear slide down his cheek.

Then he got ready to went to his office that is in the house itself.

After few hours

Steven was in his office working on some documents when someone knocked on the door.

" Come in" he said and watch as his right hand more like best friend came inside.

"Frank you know you don't have to knock " he said shaking his head

"Well i have to after all you are my boss" frank said grinning

He knows that Steven doesn't like it when he call him boss as they are childhood friends more like brothers.

"Shut it " steven said irritatingly.
"Well what are you doing here then " steven asked.

Frank sat straight coming to the business mode.
"We have a problem"  he said

"What" Steven said knowing the seriousness in his voice and posture.

"Mexican's , they are making problems in our shipments. They are getting out of hands now , they think after our queen's departure you have become week and their leader Andrew wants your position. I have got a news that he is scheming something big against us." Frank said

"That son of a bitch, he think just because my queen is not with me i am weak and he can take over my position then he should think twice " he said angrily

"Frank put our mens to watch his every move , i want to know his every movement and try to find what he is scheming . He doesn't know whom he is messing with, i haven't become the Mafia King for nothing" he said.

"Done" frank said and went outside to make some phone calls.

Unknown's POV

"Boss why are we making Steven our enemy . He is a mafia king and he will know our plans easily." Said a man standing in front of his desk

"I know what i am doing and steven have to pay for what he did to my family . I know he will find out about my plans and that's what i want because he will know what i want him to know . My main target is not him or his position my friend my target is something else , you know what, his weakness. His princess" he said laughing evilly .

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