Chapter 36

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Diya's Pov

We all were waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us how Liam is doing. I already met mom and she is feeling better now. She have a fracture in left hand but other than that she is fine now.

She also asked about Liam so we told her that doctor is checking him now and we will tell her about him as soon as we know.

After waiting for a few more hours the doctor came out and told us that Laim is now out of danger but he needs to be in bed for atleast 2 weeks.

We all gave a relief sigh and asked the doctor if we can meet Liam.

He said we can meet him after few hours because right now he is asleep as they have given him sedatives.

After few more hours of waiting we were finally able to meet Liam who as usual was taking it all as a joke.

"Alright guys its already late lets go to our rooms and let him take some rest" mom said

"You all go i will stay here with him " i said to everyone.

"You don't have to diya, ther will be a nurse with him 24 hours. So you also go and take some rest" Dad said

"Ohh...okay then ... Goodnight everybody" i said and we all left to go to our rooms.

After doing my night routine i went to bed and with my novel as i wasn't feeling sleepy yet.

Half way through the book i got a text so i picked my phone to watch that it was a message from some unknown number .

I opened the message and it said

Unknown- Hello Dia, it me Emmy.

Diya- Hello emmy, how are you?

Emmy- I am fine diya. I wanted to ask you something.

Diya- You can ask me anything emmy.

Emmy - Uhh...i ...are you free tomorrow?

Diya - Yeah!! Why?

Emmy- umm... would you like to hangout with me tomorrow?

"Diya - sure emmy i would love to. I will meet you tomorrow Morning at you hotel at sharp 8 am alright. Just text me your hotel's name.

"Emmy - ok thankyou diya and i will just text you the address.

"Diya - alright then see you tomorrow 🙂🙂

After reading the hotel's name i decided to sleep as i need to wake up on time tomorrow.

Next morning....

I woke and got ready to meet emmy as i was going to enter in the dinning room i heard dad telling someone to increase my security.

"Uhh...i hate these guards. Why do i even need them i already have 2 personal guards and now dad want to increase them." I muttered to myself.

"The way he is talking to the other person it seems he won't let me go out without these guards but i can't take them with me emmy will be as uncomfortable as me with all these guards surrounding us .

'Hmm... I guess i have to hoax them' i thought and entered in the dinning room.

"Good morning dad where is everyone?" I asked as only he was sitting in the dinning room

"Good morning princess. Your mom was feeling a little pain in her arm so she is resting in her room with your papa and dhruv and your brothers are in Leo's office as some guests are coming." He said.

"Guests?" I asked

"Hmm .... Leo's business associates" he replied.

"Ohh...ok ok" i said and started having my breakfast.

"Bella i have assigned 2 more bodyguards for you." He said after few minutes.

"What but why dad? I already have 2 bodyguards why will i need 2 more?" I asked frowning

"Because its necessary babygirl. Its for your safety" he said

"But dad i don't need 4 guards 2 are enough." I said sulking

"No no more discussion on this topic you will have 4 guards with you from now onwards alright. And wherever you go they will go with you." He said then called someone.

Few minutes later 2 big bulky men entered with my 2 bodyguards.

"Bella meet Ryan and Zayn these two are your new bodyguards. " He said introducing them to me.

"And this is my daughter Isabella. Single scratch on her in your protection and you will be as good as dead" he said

"Yes sir" they said simultaneously and i groaned inwardly.

"Good now bella i will be in Leo's office if you need anything just come find me there ok." He said and i nodded my head.

After finishing my breakfast i went upstairs to my room with now 4 bodyguards following me.

"Uhh ... You guys don't need to follow me inside the house" i said to them awkwardly.

"Sorry mam boss told us to follow you " he said

"Yeah but he meant outside the house not inside the house " i said to them

"Why don't you guys go if i need to go out i will call you guys?" I told them

"But mam boss said...." They said as they look at each other hesitatingly.

"I know he said to follow me but i am not leaving from here anytime soon so you guys don't worry, you can go ." I said them and went inside my room and locked the door.

After waiting for few minutes i opened the door slightly to see if they are still here or left and to my delight they left.

Now i just need to leave before anyone find out.

So i went inside my room and took my purse and set my hair and left.

After some unwanted confrontations and little lies i was successful to leave from here. After reaching the main road i took the cab and told him the address of the hotel where emmy is staying.

After i reach there i called emmy and told her to come out . I wait for few minutes then saw emmy coming from the hotel so i wave my hand to her and she came and sat in the cab with me .

"Hello diya" she said and side hugged me.

"Hi emmy" i said

"So what are we doing today?" She asked me.

"Well today we are gonna enjoy to the fullest" i replied to her and told the driver the address of a place we are gonna start our fun.

But little did i know this fun day is gonna soon turn to be the worst day .

Hello Readers

I am so so so sorry for this very late update.... I know i disappointed some of you guys😒😒

But i am actually doing an ayurvedic treatment for my eyes to remove spectacles and because of it i can't watch my mobile for long hours.

But don't worry i have found a new way to write the chapters without affecting my eyes much as it took 2 or more hours to write a single chapter so from now on i will write a chapter in my book first then post it later which i will be able to do in a half n hour. Hope you guys understand.

So please pray that my ayurvedic treatment works for me....🙏🙏🙏


Hope you enjoy the chapter🙂🙂

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