chapter six

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The Winchesters are asleep in a motel and Evie is lying on top of Sam's chest, her stuffed dog under her arm. Dean's phone begins ringing, but he doesn't wake up.

"Dean." Sam calls, waking up from the phone, but the older brother still doesn't budge. Sam reaches over and answers the phone. "Hello?"

"Sam, is that you?" John asks. Sam becomes more awake hearing his father's voice. He carefully sits up, moving Evie so she's sitting in his lap, resting against his chest.

"Dad? Are you hurt?" Sam asks.

"I'm fine." John tells him.

"We've been looking for you everywhere. We didn't know where you were, if you were okay." Sam says.

"Sammy, I'm all right. What about you and Dean?" John asks.

"We're fine. Dad, where are you?" Sam asks. Dean sits up, hearing Sam say 'dad'.

"Sorry, kiddo, I can't tell you that." John says.

"What? Why not?" Sam asks.

"is that dad?" Dean asks.

"Look, I know this is hard for you to understand. You're just gonna have to trust me on this." John says.

"You're after it, aren't you? The thing that killed mom." Sam says.

"Yeah. It's a demon, Sam." John says.

"A demon? You know for sure?" Sam asks.

"A demon? What's he saying?" Dean asks. The increasing commotion wakes Evie up.

"I do. Listen, Sammy, I, uh... I also know what happened to your girlfriend. I'm so sorry. I would've done anything to protect you from that." John says.

"You know where it is?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, I think I'm finally closing in on it." John says.

"Let us help." Sam says.

"You can't. You can't be any part of it." John says.

"Why not?" Sam asks.

"Give me the phone." Dean demands.

"Listen, Sammy, that's why I'm calling. You and your brother, you gotta stop looking for me. Alright, now, I need you to write down these names." John says.

"Names? What names, dad-- talk to me, tell me what's going on." Sam pleads.

"Look, we don't have time for this. This is bigger than you think, they're everywhere. Even us talking right now, it's not safe." John says.

"No. Alright? No way." Sam says.

"Give me the phone." Dean orders.

"I have given you an order. Now, you stop following me, and you do your job. You understand me? Now, take down these names." John states and Dean grabs the phone from Sam.

"Dad, it's me. Where are you?" Dean asks. "Yes, sir." "Uh, yeah, I got a pen. What are their names?"

Evie sense her father's unhappy mood so she stands on the bed and hugs him around the neck. Despite the annoyance and slight anger towards his father, Sam hugs her back.

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