chapter twenty-three

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They get to an inn where a case is. Dean parks the Impala and the brothers get out. Sam gets Evie out of her car seat, holding her and she keeps a tight grip on her dog to make sure it doesn't fall onto the muddy ground.

"Dude, this is sweet. I never get to work jobs like this." Dean says.

"Like what?" Sam asks.

"Old school haunted houses, you know? Fog and secret passageways... sissy British accents. Might even run into Fred and Daphne while we're inside. Mm, Daphne. Love her." They walk up the stairs and Sam notices an urn.

"Hey, wait a sec." Sam tells Dean and he looks at the urn. "I'm not so sure haunted's the problem."

"What do you mean?" Dean asks.

"You see this pattern here?" Sam points to a five point symbol engraved on the urn. "That's a quincunx, that's a five-spot."



"That's used for hoodoo spell work, isn't it?"

"Right, yeah. You fill this thing with bloodweed and you've got a powerful charm to ward off enemies."

"Yeah, except I don't see any bloodweed. Don't you think this place is a little too, uh, white meat for hoodoo?"


They walk inside and look around the as a woman enters the room.

"May I help you?" She asks.

"Hi, yeah, I'd like a room for a couple of nights." Dean says. As Sam starts to walk forward, a young girl darts in front of his legs making him stop.

"Hey!" The woman yells to her daughter. Evie watches as another girl around the same age runs after her. She turns to Sam. "Sorry about that."

"No problem."

"Well, um, congratulations, you could be some of our final guests." The woman states.

"Well. Sounds vaguely ominous." Dean jokes.

"No, I'm sorry, I mean we're closing at the end of the month." She says before looking at them. "Well, let me guess. You guys are here antiquing?"

"How'd you know?" Dean asks.

"Oh, you just look the type." The woman says. "So, uh, king sized bed?"

"What? No, uh, no, we're-we're... two singles. We're just brothers." Sam says.

"Yeah, and she's his child that he had... and made... with a girl." Dean says.

"Oh. Oh, I'm so sorry." The woman says.

"What'd you mean that we look the type?" Dean asks and Susan looks like she isn't sure how to answer.

"You know, speaking of antiques, you have a really, really interesting urn on the front porch. Where did you get that?" Sam asks.

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