chapter fifty-three

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Sam and Evie are living in Oklahoma currently. Sam has quit hunting and split up from Dean. He made got Evie from Bobby's hospital and went to Oklahoma. They've been going by the names Keith and Carmen.

Sam is working as a busboy at a bar while continuing to homeschool Evie. He managed to convince the manager to let Sam bring Evie to the bar, promising she wouldn't disturb anybody or his focus on the job. The manager somewhat reluctantly agreed, saying once she caused trouble her being there was over.

They're always there late so Evie often falls asleep in one of the booths after the bar closes while Sam cleans up.

They're currently at the bar and Sam is standing at the bar, next to a bartender. Evie is sitting in one of the chairs since the bar is relatively empty.

"Hey Keith, you play?" One of the workers, Lindsey, asks. Evie likes Lindsey. She makes sure she's okay and brings her food if she's hungry and helps her with her school sometimes.

"That depends. What are we playing for?" Sam asks.

"World peace." Lindsey says.

"Oh, is that all?" Sam asks.

"Can I ask you something?" Lindsey asks.

"Shoot." Sam wipes his hands with a towel, walking over to Lindsey.

"You finished that crossword puzzle in the kitchen?"

"Uh, I guess. Why?"

"The New York Times Saturday crossword?"

"Was it?"

"Uh-huh. You blow into town last week, you don't talk to anybody, you're obviously highly educated, you bring your kid to work. You're like this..."

"Riddle wrapped inside an enigma wrapped inside a taco?" Lindsey smiles and nods.

"Here's what we play for. When I win, you buy me dinner and tell me your life story."

"Sounds fair." Sam throws all 3 darts, getting them in the center of the target.

"Very mysterioso. I like it." Lindsey says, turning to Sam, only to see his attention focused on the news. It's talking about a bunch of natural disasters that have happened. After a bit, the bartender turns the TV off.

"Damn. Is it just me or does it seem like it's the end of the world?" The bartender asks.


It's the same night and they're at the motel. Sam put Evie in bed about an hour ago and has been on the computer researching.

"I thought you were done with hunting." Evie mumbles, walking up to Sam, seeing what's on the computer.

"Yeah, yeah, no, I am, pumpkin." Sam tells her.

"Then why are you looking at hunty stuff?" Evie asks.

"I gotta call somebody. Tell 'em about it." Sam grabs his phone before looking at Evie. "Aren't you supposed to be asleep?"

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