-Chapter 8-

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Class is finally over for the day. I'm still a bit weirded out about Samantha. Overhaul never told me i had a second quirk. And how come she never came out when i was screaming for help when i was with Overhaul? I have so many questions. I get back to the dorms and walk up to my room on the third floor. 

I sit down on the bed wondering. "H-Hey Samantha? Can you come out real quick i have a few questions." i say. The bright light appears once again and i see her sitting on the bed next to me. "Ask away!" she says in her usual enthusiastic voice. "W-Why didn't you come out when i was with Overhaul?" i ask. "Oh that ones easy! Overhaul never taught you anything about your quirk right?" she said.

I nodd. "Well basically i can only come out when you call me. When you said help during your match with boom boom boy it triggered the call and released me. When you cried for help with overhaul it wasn't directed at me. But that call for help was directed towards your quirk. I am not a someone, i am a something. You were calling for someone to come rescue you. I was unable to be released when you made that call." She explained.

I thought it over. "So during my match with bakugou i was calling on my quirk? I guess i was thinking about trying to use my rewind side." I say. "Hey Y/n were watching (favorite movie) if you wanna join!" I hear kirishima yelling from downstairs. "Hey Samantha, do you like the darkness?" i asked. "Nope not one bit! its cold, and boring." She said.

"Well how about you come watch a movie with us downstairs if you don't wanna go back right now!" i say. She nods excitedly "YES YES YES!!!!!" she said wrapping me in a hug. I grab her hand and pull her downstairs. "Hey guys Samantha wants to watch the movie with us if its ok!" i say. "Yes sure!" Kirishima said. 

I sat down on the couch and Samantha sat down on the floor in front of me. Her eyes were sparkling during the whole movie. She tried to keep her mouth shut but accidentally burst out a few times during the movie about her favorite parts. She got a few annoyed looks but she didn't care. For someone who's been stuck in darkness her whole life she sure has a bright smile.

Samantha's POV

The movie was AMAZING! I loved everything about it! I wish i could bring the TV back with me. It would be a lot less boring! There were a few boys that were almost constantly looking at me. One with purple balls on his head, one that looked like pikachu, one with red hair and shark teeth, and finally a green haired kid who seems to be observing me. 

After the movie the class went to eat dinner. I can't eat so i just sat around in the living area. After the class finished eating the boy with green hair came over to me. "Hey so you're part of Y/n's quirk right?" he asked. I nodd. "Yup! Shes my master!" i say with a beaming smile. "Could you tell me about your powers?" he ask's. 

"Of course!" I reply. "I can put a force field around Y/n, I can giver her and myself wings, I can make clones of myself, and im also extremely skilled in combat!" The green haired boy starts writing stuff in his notebook. "If you don't mind me asking what are your weaknesses?" I think it over. As far as i know i only have one, but i refuse to say. "I only have one but its kind of embarrassing and a little weird." i tell him. 

"Oh its ok then." He grabbed his things and walked back over to the class. Y/n walked over to me and grabbed my arm. "Lets go back up to my room i still have a few questions." she said. She pulled me up the stairs and locked the door to her room. "I overheard you talking with Midoryia, what is your weakness?" she asked. 

I can feel myself blush. "Well, you know how i said i can feel emotions? My weakness is that if i fall in love with someone i will be extremely weaker against them. That means my force fields will break easily and my wings can only last for a few seconds." I explain. "Now i get what you mean by weird and embarrassing." she said. "I won't prevent you from falling in love, you deserve to be happy. I will keep you out for most of the day but bring you back in during classes, in combat training you can come back though." she says. 

I nodd. "Thank you!" i say giving her a big hug. I can sense she's getting sleepy. "You should go to bed in know your tired." i tell her. "Oh ok then, if you want you can stay out for the night! I really don't want you to be in the darkness for too long." She says. I smile and say "Ok then goodnight!" i snuggle up next to her and fall asleep. 

I open my eyes and look around for the usual darkness that i wake up too but i notice there is sunlight coming through the blinds. I sit up and notice that im in a bed. I've never slept in something so comfy! I snuggle up in the blankets again and just lie there loving the moment. 

I can feel someone shaking me. I sit up and see Y/n. I get out of the bed and walk with her downstairs for breakfast, well to watch them eat breakfast. After there done Y/n gets on her school uniform. "Ok Samantha sorry but its time to come back now." she says. I nodd and i can feel myself going back into the darkness.


When i was writing the last couple of chapters I've just been like DITCH THE PLOT LINE! But now im kinda regretting it because i have to come up with everything on my own and you know im lazy. So i guess im going to have a lot of brainstorming to do! what have i gotten myself into.

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