-Chapter 21-

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Today Mr. Aizawa is bringing in a Pro Hero for us to train with. Her name is BrightLight. She has a light quirk that can blind her opponent. I'm so excited to see her in action! Mr. Aizawa also arranged for me to do my work study with her. 

Aizawa announces her and she walks into the classroom. "Midoriya, Bakugou, Samantha, Todoroki, and Y/n. Please come up here." Mr. Aizawa says. We all walk up to the front of the classroom with looks of confusion on our faces. 

"Now BrightLight, these are my problem children. Midoriya and Bakugou are constantly fighting each other and trying to get themselves killed, Todoroki has daddy issues, Samantha is extremely skilled at public embarrassment, and Y/n is constantly getting herself kidnapped." He says pointing to each of us as he says our name. I pout when he mentions me and i can see Samantha beaming with joy that she got noticed. 

Bakugou is glaring at Midoriya and Midoriya's trembling in fear. Todoroki is looking at his left hand in fear and anger. I face palm and walk back to my seat. 

(I told u i would add it in person that commented that idea! For those of you who have absolutely no idea who Im talking about they constantly give me long comments that make me die laughing and one of them made a joke about how Aizawa would totally introduce his problem children like this. I totally stole the idea BUT I'M GIVING THEM CREDIT!)

We walk outside for training and i notice Bakugou staring at me. I'm instantly reminded of what happened last night.

-Flash Back-

"Where were you." I quickly turn around to face Bakugou. "N-Nowhere.." I stutter as i take a ste back. He walks across the room and grabs my neck pinning me to the wall. He holds his other hand up threateningly and says "Ill ask again. Where were you." 

"I-I Uh W-Went T-To.....E-Eraser?" I squeak my brain failing me. "I VISITED THE VILLAINS OK!" I shout as i push him off of me. "Why are you hanging around with those bastards?" Bakugou says glaring at me. 

"T-Their the only family i know ok!" I say trying not to cry. "They were the ones that helped me in my memory. They were so kind to me." I quickly wipe my tears and look at Bakugou. "Lets try something new to spark your memory then." Bakugou says. 

I look at him in confusion and he slams his lips down on to mine. My eyes widen and i hesitate for a minute before kissing back. Suddenly I can no longer feel anything. I'm in a dark wide area. There's a screen in front of me that seems like a projector. It starts playing through things in my life. 

I see Eri and me crying on a bed. Were both rapped in bandages. A man walks in and yells at us before dragging me out of the room. Then it changes to a scene were im being rescued by heroes. I'm crying in Eri's arms and were both hugging each other. 

Then it goes to U.A I meet the class and do combat training. Then i meet Samantha. My life is literally flashing before my eyes. Then its the night when i got kidnapped. The fire, the white light, the screaming. Then i watch as Shigaraki threatens me and eventually brainwashes me. 

It's all coming at me like a dodgeball when a kid throws it to hard and you can't dodge and it hits you strait in the stomach. My eyes open and i start to cry. I'm now on the floor and Bakugou is over me yelling at me to wake up. 

I quickly hug him and to my surprise he hugs back. I love you dimwit." He says as i sob into his shoulder. "I love you to Katsuki." I say as i kiss him. He pulls me up onto my bed and we cuddle. Eventually i fall asleep feeling safe and loved.

SURPRISE YALL! I know i never showed to signs of Y/n liking him before the brainwashing but i got a comment requesting it sooooooo YOUR WELCOME! Now he's your love interest! I can change this story so easily it surprises me. I find it weird that I can litterally change the entire plot of the story with just a few words for example...

Suddenly the window crashes open. I look up and see Shigaraki towering over me. HE grabs Katsuki by the neck and i watch as he disinigrates. I start to sob. Then a Nomu with a gigantification quirk breaks open teh building. He grabs me in his fist and pulls me up into the air. I thrash around screaming for help. I watch as the villains murder all my classmates below. "no..NO I DONT WANT THIS! TOMURA STOP THIS PLEASE!!" I sob as I watch Shigaraki on the Nomu's shoulder. "Welcome to my perfect world! Villains rule and Heroes cower! Now I want you to rule with me Y/n! BE MY QUEEN!" He shouts as the nomu starts to squish me. "NEVER I WILL NEVER BE A VILLAIN LIKE YOU!" I scream as i try to teleport out of there. Im now surrounded by villains there's no where to go. I the grow wings and fly away from everyone. I find a skyscraper and i watch as the city burns beneath me. Heroes lives being taken left and right. THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN ALL FOR ONE ESCAPES AND-

OK you get the point? BTW that was a lot of fun to write. Anyways if you don't like random plot twists than this story is not for you. Because form here on out if someone comments something they want to have in the story I WILL INCLUDE IT! I will find a way! Now back to the story!

-Flash back-

BrightLight teaches us some close combat training and of course I'm paired with Mr Lord Explosion Murder. We face each other and i charge at him activating my quirk. I pin him to the ground in seconds and he lets out a grunt of anger before screaming "ILL SHOW YOU!" I laugh and help him up. 

BrightLight has me keep switching partners and i managed to beat all of them. Eventually i face off against her and pin her easily. I always have loved showing off. Ever since i got my memory back my personality has changed. I haven't let Mr. Aizawa know though because it would be a bit embarrassing to tell him exactly what triggered it.

After training we head back to the dorms and I lock my door and open my balcony door. Bakugou jumps from his balcony above mine and land on my balcony. He walks into my room and i motion for him to cuddle me. We lay down for a bit and then i get a text. 

From Tomura.


THAT WAS THE WEIRDEST MOST UNPLANNED CHAPTER I HAVE EVER WRITTEN! I AM SO SO SO SORRY YOU HAD TO GO THROUGH THAT!!! I promise the next few chapters won't be so random. I wont have Y/n hate the league of villains because i personally love toga and cosplay her so i don't want to have one of my characters hate her. So yea their still going to be besties! soooo YAY! Anyways thank you for reading! 

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