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School was the next day and as mine and Bella's alarms went off, neither of us could think of anything we would not rather do.

After getting dressed and quickly doing my teeth, i run down the stairs and grab a piece of toast out of my Dads hands.

"Hey!" He shouts as he turns to me and i just flex my arm at him and he holds his hands up and turns back to make himself another one as i laugh.

"Bella!! Come on, we're going to be late!" I shout, until i hear her footsteps rushing down the stairs.

"I'm coming!" She shouts back as she comes into view and steals Dads new piece of toast out of his hand as we both rush out the door.

"Oh, Come on!" I hear him shout through the door and i laugh and Bella looks at me weird as we both get into the orange truck she got gifted yesterday, because i said that i didn't drive very often.

Suddenly, i stop dead.

My arm out, holding onto the door, about to close it.

"K?" Bella asks "K, what's going on?"

I inhale.

"K, are you ok?!" Bella shouts

"What..Yes, sorry i'm fine" I say as i shut the truck door and we drive to school.


We arrive in the school car park and Bella and i step out of the truck and i can instantly tell that all eyes are on us, the bright orange truck not helping.

I walk around the front of the truck, meeting Bella half way and i hear someone say something about the truck to Bella and then we walk into school.

As we begin to walk along the hallway, i see Bella anxiously checking the map of the school and the timetable we had both been given, by Dad, this morning.

I decide that now is the best time to talk about what happened yesterday.

"So who did you see yesterday?" Bella looks at me, confused "Dad's friend"

She gets a look on her face, as if it dawns on her about who i'm on about and she smiles "It was Billy Black and his son, they came to give us the truck that we drove to school in this morning" She says as she looks back down at the map and schedule in her hands, looking around every few seconds, as if to check that we are at the right place.

I tuck my hands in my pockets as i ask her, trying to sound casual "Did his son happen to get into the truck with you?"

She stops and turns to me "Why?"

"It's nothing, forget about it"

"No, why are you-"

"Hey, i'm Erik!" A black haired guy says as he comes and stands in between us and we start walking again. "I'm the eyes and ears of this place..umm anything you need? Tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?"

Bella and i laugh "She's the more 'suffer in silence type' " I say as i put air quotes around the words as Erik and i laugh.

"I think we're going to be fast friends!" Erik says as he puts his arm around me and i laugh as we walk to mine and Bella's first class.


It just so happened that we had gym first, my favorite class, because i find it so easy.

The coach gathered us all in a circle and told us that we were going to be doing Volleyball.

I heard Bella groan beside me and when the couch told us that we could split into groups, i took the time to ask her what was wrong.

"Bell's what's wrong?" I ask, concerned.

"Isn't it obvious, I can't do the sport for shit!" She says as i think back to the time in Elementary when she got hit in the face with a ball and had to go to the school nurse.

I hadn't realized i was laughing, until Bella hits me on the shoulder and makes a face.

"That's not funny and what are you made out of, that hurt?!" She says as she looks down at her hand that she only lightly slapped my arm with.

"Oh shit, Bella, are you ok?" I ask

"I'll be fine-" She says but she gets cut off by the coach shouting that we have to get into teams and we somehow end up in a team with a few other girls.


Half way through our teams second game, i glance to my left and stifle a laugh after seeing the way Bella try's to hit the ball.

I hit it once more over the net and then i see a girl on the other side hit it towards Bella and she hits it off into the boys pitch and it hits someone on the back of the head.

"Omg!" I say, laughing

"This is not funny!" Bella, whisper shouts at me and i'm quick to shut up as she drags me with her to apologize to the guy it hit.

"What Bella, no, i'm not-"

The guy turns around and says "No..No, i'ts fine, you're ah Isabella, right?" He asks as she tries to apologies to him and i role my eyes at him as i notice that everyone seems to be falling for my Sister today.

"Just Bella" She says and they shake hands.

"Hellooo.." I say as the guy looks at me and smiles.

"You must be.."

"Katelynn.. now can we please carry on with the game-"

"I'm Mike, by the way" He says "Uhh, Mike Newton"

"She's got a great spike huh?" A girl from our team says, coming over, clearly jealous. "I'm Jessica, by the way, hey.. your from Arizona, right?"

"Yeah.." Bella says, clearly uncomfortable

"Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be, like, really tanned?" She says as she laughs and soon realize that i don't like her.

"That's like saying aren't people from Ireland supposed to be 3ft' Leprechauns" I say and Bella and Mike laugh

"We'd better get back" Bella says and Mike nods and waves as we walk back over to the pitch we are supposed to be on. 

"You like him?!" I say and Bella laughs

"I do not!" She says and i laugh

"Ok, whatever you say, sis"

Bella's sister ✔️ ||Jacob Black TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now