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We walk into the school lunch hall and we get pulled to a table were Mike pulls out Bella's chair for her and i raise my eyebrow, sitting in a chair next to her.

"I see you've met my home girl, Bella?" Erik says to Mike.

"Your homegirl?!" Me and Mike say at the same time

"My girl" Another guy says as he runs up to Bella and kisses her cheek and i have to fight the need to run after him and bite him.

"Omg, it's like first grade all over again and your the.. shiny new toy" Jessica says

"She's not a toy" I point out

"It's just, like a figure of speech, come on" Jessica says laughing and i role my eyes.

After eating a sandwich, i turn and see Bella staring at something and i look in the direction and i immediately stiffen as they walk through the door.

"Who are they?" Bella asks and, of cause, Jessica is happy to go through all there names and how she thinks of them.

And then she gets onto the last one.

"He's Edward Cullen, He's totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently no body here's good enough for him.. like i care"

I watch as he walks and sits down with the other four and i see him look over at Bella and I and i look away, quickly.

I pull my chair out and i stand up, but Bella holds my wrist. "Where are you going?"

"I..I have to go and talk to the gym teacher about extra craticular.. i'll catch up with you later, ok?"

She nods and i stand up and walk out of the hall, not missing hearing the conversation at the table i was just sitting at.


I stand outside, by Bellas truck as i wait for her to come out of school at the end of the day.

I see her walking towards me and i say "Hey, How was your day?"

She huffs and she stands next to me, sighing "It was ok, until you left the dinner hall and then everything just sort of took a turn"

"What happened?" I say, concerned

"I went to my next class and the Edward guy was sat next to me and the whole time he kept acting as if i stank or something and then he walked out"

I sigh and hug her "I'm sorry Bella, that may have been my fault"

I whisper the last bit away from her ear so that she doesn't hear it.

I'm not dumb, i figured out what they were the second they walked through the canteen door, from outside.

I smelt it on them, the blood that they so desperately needed, i knew that they were vampires and i knew that my smell was like a stench to them.

"Let's just go home" Bella says as she sighs and gets into the drivers side of the car and starts the engine and i turn, just as i am about to get into the car, and i stare straight in Edward Cullen's eyes and i slightly show the corner of my teeth to him and i see him glare as i get in the car.

And we drive off home.


"I just can't get over how grown up you two are, and so gorgeous" The lady that is serving us at the local pub says and i smile.

"Hey, Bella.. remember me, i played Santa one year?" A guy says as he walks over

"Yeah, Whalen, she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four" My Dad points out to him and i laugh.

I never usually stay with Dad for Christmas, because of my gym team back home.

The lady users him away and then leaves us as well and I turn to Dad.

"So what kind of Santa was he Dad?"

"Butt crack Santa" The server lady says as she comes back over to give us sauce and we all laugh.


I walk into mine and Bella's room after using the toilet and i see her putting her phone down, saying "I have homework to do..I'll talk to you later, i love you"

Bella puts the phone on her bed and i knock on the door as i walk in and i sit on my bed, opposite hers.

"Was that Mum?" I ask

"Yeah, she said that she will call again later to talk to you" She says and i nod "I think she lost her cell as she was using the pay phone"

I laugh "Of cause she has, i'm not surprised" I say and then it's silent for a moment and i think "Bella, what's wrong?"

She sighs and gets herself comfy "It's nothing, really, it just got to me the way Edward was acting around me"

I know that that was my fault i know that i should be on the other side of the boundary, but i can't leave my sister to go to this school, while i go to another, i just can't.. I know what i have to do.

"Bella, i'm gonna go for a walk, ok? Just don't wait up for me, you can sleep"

"Are you sure?... i mean its late and-"

"And what, wolfs could eat me, trust me, i'll handle them" I say as we both laugh

"Ok, just be careful, ok?"

"I will" I say as i put on my black jumper and i leave the house.

Stepping outside, i stretch and then i begin to run.

As i run, i gradually begin to pick up speed as i go further into the woods, i begin to pick up the Cullen's scent and i follow it, deeper and deeper into the trees, until i see a house.

I slow my pace and i begin to casually walk up to the front door of the house and i put my hand up to knock, when it opens anyway.

I should have known that they would be expecting me, i'm sure one of them has to have the power to see into the future or something.

I roll my eyes when the man at the door, Dr Cullen, says that i can come in.

I was already planning too, i don't need permission like them.

I look around at the interior of the house, until i round a corner and i see all 6 of the Cullen's sitting on the couch.

I see Edward glaring at me and i glare back.

"Miss Swan, what brings you here?" Who i assume is Mrs Cullen asks.

I sigh "I'm here to explain"

"Go on" She says

" A few months ago i had an accident.. It led to me being turned into what i am, a Wolf, as i'm sure that you all are aware"

All the Cullen's nod and i continue.

"I don't want to explain it in a lot of detail, because it's still new for me and even my family doesn't know, which is why i am here to ask that you look over the fact that i am a Wolf"

"And why would we do that?" Edward says and i see one of the others, a girl with pixie cut hair, hit him, lightly on the arm.

"I'm asking that you do that, because i am fully aware that i am on your side of the boarder, and i wouldn't be here if it wasn't because of my sister, and i know that if i transfer schools to the other side of the line, Bella will want to come too, which means that Edward, you will be separated from her"

"And why would i even care?"

"Because i think you know what she is to you, i don't have to spell it out, i will be leaving you, you have my word that i will not cause any disruption and i will cross the boarder, if i have to, when i shift"

After that i walk out the door and run back home.

Bella's sister ✔️ ||Jacob Black TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now