Say That Again

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Chapter 3

Wei Li Lian
The Black Sword Academy

Yuwen Hong did what he knew to―taking over any place he sat his foot on. The surroundings were scattered with servicemen on guard, standing against anyone who dared to impose.

The court lady escorting Li Lian was not someone she had seen before when she was in the palace, but she couldn’t ask that if she was serious about abiding to her plan.

“Please, My Lady.” The woman bowed by the entrance into the quarters of Yuwen Hong. Li Lian had been around it but never inside.

The court lady pulled the curtain at the entrance and Li Lian entered, not feeling her feet.

The welcoming chamber had dark tones just like Master Oren’s but with the windows facing where the light came from, it was well lit. She saw Yuwen Hong sitting on a small make-shift throne seat made of less glamorous stones than what he had in the palace.

He was still the same, the same confidence, the same air of nobility around him and the same love in his eyes.

He however, wore casual robes, the same he wore when he first took her out of the palace. The matching outfit.

She didn’t know if he was aware of it but his legs shook nervously as his index finger continuously thumbed the wooden table before him. He was not yet aware of her presence as he seemed too consumed by anxiety to notice.

He lifted his wine bottle and messily poured the liquid into the tiny cup, splurging a lot on his table.

Yuwen Hong drank in one go and banged the cup on the table. Another fill, then he hurriedly drank, before breathing out slowly, waving his hands through his hair, although it was tightly tied. Again he went on his anxious trail, thumping away. This part of him was not the “same”.

She took another step and that is when he realised her presence.

Their eyes took each other in, an exchange that said a thousand words. His rested on her, not unblinking, but slow and wanting to pause the moment. The warmth and softness could not be mistaken, they missed each other.

He rose like an agile lion, not sure where to step and how to act. There was no competition about “the one who speaks first is the loser to love and will love the most in the relationship”. No. He wasn't afraid to admit his loss and the mountain of feelings he couldn’t wait to express and get out of him.

“Li Lian,” he blushed.

“Grand General?” Outside the palace, he was not to be addressed as His Majesty for safety reasons.

He frowned. "What do you mean by that formal greeting?"

She shifted. “I don’t know how to say it, but I don’t remember you.” Her stomach dipped. She should not lie, it never ends well.

His eyes went expressionless, his cold visage replacing one he had of familiarity.

“They say I was your concubine, but I don’t remember―” She had started with it, but she never got to finish the sentence.

He slammed her against the wall behind her, his lips taking hers and silencing her. Her eyes rolled to the back, caught off guard, and a slight moan escaped her mouth.

This wasn't the plan. Not the plan at all. But she was a goner. She clutched onto his shoulders as he hoisted her up into his arms and dug his fingers onto her behind.

Her legs did not waste time in betraying her by snuggling around his waist, craning her neck onto him as she opened her mouth and let their tongues war against each other. He grinded against her, groaning in pleasure and lust. His breath was hot, just like his wet lips that smeared her and tried to suck out her soul for possession.

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