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If you are not following me, I posted a notification to let you know that I added 600 words to the previous chapter. Please check it out as it has important information you will need to know for the future chapters. The conversation between Yuwen Hong and Li Lian as they walk to the training grounds is what I added.

Chapter 33

Wei Li Lian
Princess Elora
Her Highness Wei
The Dragon Court

Having Mistress Ki as her mistress was a nightmare. The woman always expected nothing but perfection and the best from her. There was no end to Mistress Ki's expectations and though Li Lian would not like to admit it, the woman had understood her. That is what made her a respectable mistress. She knew how to get Li Lian motivated, when to ease back when she had pushed Li Lian beyond her limits, and when to reward Li Lian whereby the most benefits would be reaped.

While the Grand Dowager for example, she deserved no title of mistress and importantly, what had she done that was so outstanding to be honored by Li Lian that she would enslave herself to her? Clearly, Li Lian was losing her mind. Understandably, she was nervous because Yuwen Hong finding out the truth also had her heart on the line; thus, she had weakly pledged her allegiance to the old woman when threatened.

However, Li Lian was not going to live in the past. The past is where she was controlled, silenced, and oppressed. She did not want to go back there.

Moreover, if Yuwen Hong paid the Grand Dowager no respect and the woman failed to fight back, that spoke volumes. She, Li Lian, could also get away with the Grand Dowager knowing her secret, yet silenced not to rat her out. There had to be a way to attain strings which would enable her to control the old woman. She just had to find it.

Days had passed after Yuwen Hong decreed that Luo Meng should have his daughter back. The Grand Dowager obeyed the decree, but ever since, she became bed ridden with sickness. The physician blamed it on stress as the cause. That is why Li Lian had not been summoned to the Rose Flower Palace to be corrected for her bad behavior―taking Luo Meng's side and not standing with her when expected to.

"A very good day to Her Highness," Court Lady Nam greeted Li Lian.

Li Lian waved her hands to her entourage to keep following her. They held pots with sprouting flowers in the midst of manured soil.

"Ignore the formalities," she regarded Court Lady Nam.

"How can we be of assistance to Her Highness?" Court Lady Nam scrutinized the so many flowers they had brought. "His Majesty is not here."

"I know, I am not here to seek his audience, however, I would like to have these decorating the surroundings of the dragon palace. He liked what I did to the phoenix palace and I would like to surprise him with the same thing"

"Of course." Court Lady Nam bowed. "Please let us know if we could be of any help at any time." She then stretched out her hand for Li Lian to begin her work. The yard was now hers.

"Ai." Li Lian turned. "Take on the other side with half of the entourage and I will take on the rest. Remember to be fast. We do not want to be here until the sun has fully come out and we are burning."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Li Lian led her attendants to start uprooting the already present flowers. She wanted to start afresh and had a specific painting in her mind that she purposed to achieve. As they got to work, scattering all over the ground of the dragon palace, Li Lian walked around observing whether what they were doing was to her liking.

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