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Chapter 79

Crown Princess Elora

As the turbulent Furian sky painted a scene of impending storm, ominous winds danced through the air, creating a chaotic ballet of leaves and debris. The threat of impending rain cast a potential obstacle that could thwart Elora's timely journey home.

The challenge lay not only in the raging wind but in the prospect of rain drenching her wings, rendering her unable to navigate the skies efficiently. In this aerial realm, skill was paramount, a privilege reserved for the elite echelons of society, embodied by figures like the revered Lord Liege and her own distinguished father, who possessed the rare expertise to navigate the heavens even in adverse weather conditions.

Elora was filled with relief when she saw the high mountains that surrounded the capital of Furiah greet her. That meant within half an hour, she would arrive.

It would be wise to rest after a cumbersome battle, but the news of her mother having fallen gravely ill did not allow it. Although she set off at the same time as her father, she did not manage to keep up with him. By this time he probably was already at Queen Elora's side. Despite the fact that their relationship, her mother and father, was that of mostly friendship now, without a doubt Oren deeply cared for Queen Elora. She was his family, and nothing could change that.

Elora had never imagined the passing away of her mother. Yes, she looked frail and time had been harsh to her, however since they had been apart for a long time, somehow she assumed that the Heavens would have mercy on them and grant them more time together.

Yun Xiang needed his grandmother and Li Lian needed her mother. There was so much still to draw from the woman of might that the queen was.

"Your Highness." The Priestess welcomed her as she went up the stairs of the palace as if she had been waiting for her arrival.

"The weather is unpleasant. My Priestess, why do you trouble yourself by standing here?"

"Lord Oren stated you were not far." The Priestess looked younger than Queen Elora, but in reality they were about the same age. What had the Priestess youthful is the fact that she did not have to sacrifice herself continuously as her mother did.

"How is Mother faring?"

The Priestess sighed and held on to her walking stick. "She was worse for wear during the day. Now she seems to be stabilized."

"Does this have to do with her overexerting herself for Yun Xiang?"

"Your Highness, Her Majesty has always been poor in health. We cannot say taking care of her grandson has been detrimental to her. Do not try to guilt yourself when it is a matter influenced by many factors."

Elora knew the Priestess was trying to spare her from the pain of guilt. However, anyone with sense could deduce that Yun Xiang's condition had taken a toll on the queen.

When Elora entered her mother's room, Oren was just leaving it. He seemed not to notice her as he stormed out in what seemed to be fury and vexation.

Her mother's room was condensed by relaxation oils and incense burning. In the midst of the big sized bed, her body looked small and fragile. The queen's skin was so pale that you would mistake her to be part of the white blankets she lay on.

"Mother..." Elora muttered emotionally.

Queen Elora lazily looked up at Elora, and a slow smile graced her lips. "Elora, you are back."

"I am back," she said the obvious.

Her mother attempted a chuckle but stopped because of pain. "Come here, sit by me."

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