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Chapter 65

Princess Elora

"My Princess, please be informed that the corner bath that you love is in use. Lady Anif is inside. Please be directed to the bath next to it," the servant who waited on her stated as she helped her out of the lavender flowers pond. It was so muddy that every time after spending time in it she had to bathe before transporting back to the palace.

The Haven was by the river and five li (2.5km) from the palace. It consisted of bathing sections separated by bushes planted to conceal each space in privacy. When any royal wanted an exfoliating bath where they would come out squeaky clean, they went to the Haven.

For many, they did this once in a while, but Elora had to go every day as the focus was on getting her wings back. Anyone who wanted to go to any place, flew, and did not use such things as a sedan or horse. The fact that she relied on those was starting to make her feel out of place.

"Did you prepare everything for me?"

"Yes, My Princess. There are towels, soaps, and clothes to change into. Everything is ready."

Elora nodded and left. She subconsciously covered her chest, uncomfortable in the small black dress that exposed her cleavage and the length of her legs from the upper part of her knees.

She sighed. Steaming bathes were so tiring that she always felt in need of sleep early in the morning before her day had even started. Yesterday, her mother found her dozing in the library, and she was the least impressed and went on a rant about how she felt she was the only one who cared for Elora's interests. Why did she have to care when Elora herself did not care? It was ungraceful for a queen to haphazardly fall asleep in public.

It was not so surprising that Elora had a slapping experience of deja vu at that moment. It was as if Mistress Ki had reincarnated back into her life.

Elora had just absentmindedly turned into a bathing section that had strings of beads at the entrance when the sound of coughing had her lift her eyes to find an unbelievable scene of a naked man relaxed on the stony chair.

His head rolled back and was supported by the fore of the chair. Around him were two women who massaged his back and bathed his skin with kisses. Then the most shocking of all was the third woman with her mouth wide open as she choked on his groin as if she would swallow him whole.

His hand encouraged it as he relentlessly pushed her head into his member, lifting her when she seemed to be losing breath.

Elora was frozen to the spot. She had never seen such brazenness. Her heart sped up when he harshly slapped the buttock of the woman who had him in her throat. Surely, a man at the mercy of his appetites was no more than a brute animal. She whimpered and moaned, and whether it be in pain or enjoyment, Elora had no idea.

The man groaned in pleasure as his mouth shaped into an 'O'. It seemed he was beginning to chase a destination when his pace of lifting and pushing back the woman's head became hurried and out of rhythm.

She had to leave, but when Elora was about to walk out did his closed eyes open.

All her life, she had not crossed eyes with the greyest of eyes she was gazing into. They were stormy, wild, and unmistakably casting a torrent of the pits of darkness.

He lifted his head to sit straight. The woman on his lap almost stopped, but not for long as he urged her on.

Multitasking did he, as his assessment of Elora did he not hide. His gaze flowed from the hollow part of her neck, the forgotten cleavage she no longer covered, her enunciated curvy hips and slender legs. And just as he hit her feet, slowly did he lift his eyes in the path they had descended, double checking everything to be true as he had seen it first.

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