Queen And I

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Chapter 9

Bai Shen Hong
Yuwen Hong
Emperor Huizhong

Yuwen Hong sat across Ruo Xi who stirred awake and stretched herself, tossed around and slowly rose. It took her a while to realise he was in the room after rubbing her heavy eyelids.

“Good morning,” he said.

“Good morning,” she seemed to yawn.

“How are you feeling today?”

“I am better. Thank you for yesterday.” She assessed his appearance. “I see you have been up for a while.”

“Yes.” He was too lazy to mention that he already had his practise and took a bath. Now, all he waited for was his Li Lian to get up. He checked five times hitherto and she was still sleeping.

A silence he was not used to snuck into their midst before she broke it. “I have to tell you something… more like confess.”

His brow raised in question.

“Yesterday, I was not feeling well, but it was not that bad.”

“The physician said that too.”

“Yes… I am sorry.”

“For what?” He was confused.

“For ruining your moment with her by breaking into pieces.”

“Hmm?” Yes, it did irritate him. How long had he known Li Lian and still they―him and Li Lian―hadn't hit their high in the bedroom? Not that he was blaming Ruo Xi.

“The truth is I couldn’t stand it yesterday. To hear you by her side after knowing how she mistreated you earlier on. So…”

She fiddled with the blanket in her hands on the mattress. “I wanted to make her jealous, Yuwen Hong. Make her realise how special you are to her. Even though I would want her to continue taking you for granted, then lose you, at the end I’d rather have you happy… even at my expense.”

Her crying yesterday, appeared real to him, like Ruo Xi was indeed heartbroken over something, but here she was telling him she faked it?

”Ruo Xi, you are a very close friend of mine. I appreciate your kindness, thinking for me and wanting the best for me.”


He ran his hand through his face. “However, I would appreciate it if you did not involve yourself in schemes when it comes to me and Li Lian. Really I do, I understand what you did for me, but I do not like my woman getting jealous, feeling bitter or any sort of pain." It was simple as that. "Maybe before I would have, but not anymore, not after almost losing her will I play around and not give myself to her, earnestly.”

“I am sorry," her face fell.

He felt bad for it, thus he moved closer to her and patted her on her back. “Don’t be, but please, no games. Li Lian is not like other women. And I don’t want to find out what kind of different she is made of by being sly with her.”

She nodded. “I guess you are taking her back.”

“I don’t see myself doing otherwise. I love her, Ruo Xi." It felt weird saying it out loud for the first time.  "Li Lian owns all of me left, right, and centre.”

She smiled sadly. “Good. Then to finish it all up, I also have to let you know that I did tell her about my entering into the palace,” hesitation dripped into her before continuing, “I thought it better if she knew it from me.”

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