12. The New Tricks...

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Next morning Lilly woke up to a soft knock on her door. Slowly she opened her eyes and checked the time. It was 7:00 a.m.
'Who is this so early in the morning?' She wondered sleepily contemplating how urgent it really was to leave her bed and  open the door.

The knock came again and along with that she had stiffeled cries of Sam.
"Sam!?" She quickly got out of the bed and when she opened the door she found a distressed Samuel looking at her.

"Mo..." he called for her with those soft pouty lips. Opening his small chubby arms indicating for her to take him in her embrace and she obliged without any delay.

"Sam..." she patted his back as he rested his head on her shoulder.
"Hey, what happened?"

" I was heading for the office when I heard him crying in his room. Maybe he just woke up and got tensed when he didn't see you around." Ashton explained.

It was now that Lilly noticed Ashton all dressed, sparkling and shining ready to enter and pray in big business world.

And then she remembered the kiss from the previous night which she was still mad about. So she simply nodded her head and turned to sit on the bed with Sam on her lap. As Sam rested his head on her breast she cooed some soft and comforting words to the little toddler and within a few minutes he was in deep sleep again.

Ashton, still standing near the door was watching the duo completely mesmerized. As if they both were in a bubble of their own.
Maybe marrying her wasn't too bad a decision, he thought to himself. All the doubts which had haunted his mind since the moment he first kissed her had only intensified with a second kiss but now after saying how much Sam needed Lilly by his side all those doubts vanished completely .

The only good thing he could do now was to stay away from them and provide them from a distance. He couldn't afford to ruin his nephew's life just because of his attraction for Lilly.

"I'll be out on a business trip for a week or two." said Ashton bringing Lilly's attention to himself.
"The maids arrive at 8a.m. If you need anything just tell them and they will arrange it for you. If you want to go out  a driver will be arranged." Placing a card on the side table he continued, "If you need to do some shopping for Sam or for  yourself you can use this card."

"Ok. Thanks."

" I'll be off then."

"Hmm..Ok." she replied dismissively.

He turned around to leave but then remembered one very important thing.
" I forgot to say Good morning to Sam."
And before Lilly could react he lowered his head and Samuel on his curly head.
"Good morning, son."
He straightened up and left the room regretting his decision of kissing Sam a 'Good morning' because now his nostrils  were filled with Lilly's sweet scent.


A week later...

A week had passed since she had last seen or heard of Ashton King. During this one week she and Sam had adjusted well to their new surroundings. Soon she will be able back to her work. Everything in her life started to get back to normal. No new surprises dressed in black came knocking at her door this week, she smiled except for her periods who decided to announce their monthly visit one week ahead this time.

It started to grow dark as sun was about to set soon. She looked at Sam who was still busy with his push car and laughed seeing him struggling to get the car further.

"Hey, Sam. Come now, baby. Let's freshen up and then get your tummy filled."

Sam looked at her and raising his hands in a gesture which said 'pick me up' he smiled, "Da..."

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