37. The Chaos that follow...

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"Lilly..." his voice was almost a whisper but it was loud enough to reach her ears.

She had wanted to scream. She had wanted to shout at him and yell. She had wanted to hit him with something or anything that could draw blood from his head and give him as much pain as she was feeling right now. But all she could do and say was, "I am sorry to interrupt you both. I came at the wrong moment it seems. Continue."
And with that, she banged the door shut behind her and rushed to the elevator.  She could hear Ashton calling from behind asking her to stop but her whole self had just wanted to leave his vicinity as soon as possible.

"Lilly." Ashton pushed the women off of him and rushed behind his wife.
"Please stop! Listen to me," he called behind her but she had already entered the elevator and closed the door on his face.

"Damn it!'' he cursed as he hit his fist on the closed elevator doors.

" Ashton." Mila, the woman who was the cause of all this misunderstanding came from behind and held his arm.

"Don't touch me," Ashton shouted at her and the woman was taken aback by his behaviour. He shouted as if her touch had burned him.
"Don't you ever dare to show up in my office ever again or I will make sure you don't find even a place to stay here in Boston. Get lost right now."
With one final warning, he turned away from her and rushed to the stairs as the elevator was still on the first floor. By the time he reached the lobby, she had walked out of the building.

Ignoring the calls of her husband she sat in the car as the driver pulled the vehicle towards the villa. She sat quietly at the backseat introspecting how and from where exactly had things started to go so wrong. Why her husband who now had turned out to be a cheater, a traitor broke her heart so cruelly. She regretted the moment she fell for him.

Lilly's phone started ringing and the handsome face of her lover displayed on the screen. He hadn't called for a whole week and now he was calling to make excuses for his cheating, she had wanted to laugh and cry at the same time at her fate.

She had so many questions she had wanted to ask when she saw him with Mila like that. She had wanted to ask why he deceived her like that. Why he broke her heart and her trust so ruthlessly. Wasn't it him who had said that neither of them would go for an extramarital affair? Wasn't it he who had assured her on their very first meeting that he will never go to other women's bed after they marry?

'Liar.' He was a liar, her heart bleeds at the admission.

'He was lying during all this time and I believed his every word like a fool. I lowered my guard and fell in love. What an idiot I am.'

"Mrs King, your phone is ringing." the driver called for her attention.

"It's nothing important,''  she said and switched off her phone. She tried to look out of the window to find something to focus on. Something that could divert her mind. She didn't want to cry. Not here. Not now.

The driver's phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID and it was from his boss, Ashton. But before he could pick up the call Lilly snatched the phone from him and cut the call.

"Keep driving. I will call him later." And the driver just did what he was told.
Even though his guts were telling him to stop the car and take the call but disobeying a very angry Mrs King didn't seem like a good idea. So he kept driving.

"What happened, Mr King?" John asked worriedly as he first saw Lilly leaving the building in a hurry and then Ashton who was running and looked dishevelled.

"Who the hell sent Mila to my office?" Ashton looked angrily at John whose eyes turned towards the receptionist indicating the obvious.

Ashton glanced at the receptionist and the woman could feel blood evaporating from her body.

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