2. Time to move on...

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"We couldn't save your sister. I'm  sorry."

The nurse finally managed to let the words out. She had always admired her job even if she wasn't a doctor herself who eased people's pain and suffering but being able to help them and provide assistance was what she had always liked but telling a family the news of the departed one and seeing them cry for their beloved one whom they will never meet ever again was the part she hated the most.
She should have gotten used to it by now... after so many years of service but this girl in front of her who from the first second she entered the hospital had looked like a nervous wreck.

Just one look at the young girl and anyone could see how vulnerable she was... how dependent on her elder sister who had died mere minutes ago. Her heart clenched for the young girl in front of her and the little child who will never be able to see his mother.

If this girl was the child's only relative then she had no idea how a girl who herself looked so weak and vulnerable and in need of support will be able to provide for the child.

As the nurse's words registered in her brain, Lilly felt her whole world crumble. Shattering around her in tiny little pieces which felt as if they were piercing her skin.

The nurse quickly took the baby from her arms as she collapsed on the floor. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Everything around her started to blur. All the moments she had spent with her sister came running to her memory like flashbacks.

After the tragic death of their parents, Sarah was the only family she was left with. She had played the role of both mom and dad in her life. Even though Sarah was only three years older than her but still among the two of them she was the most sensible, caring and responsible one. The best daughter, the best sister.

The sister who taught her the difference between right and wrong who gave her so much love and always cared for her was no longer here. She was gone. Her sister who had always acted as a shield in all her good and bad times was gone just like that and will never return.

She felt as if someone had stabbed her heart and was now twisting the knife mercilessly and the worst part was that her cries and tears refused to leave her throat. As if determined to make her choke.

"I am sorry for your loss." she heard the nurse apologize again.
"If you want you can take one last look at her."

Before the nurse could even complete her sentence, Lilly rushed to the operation theatre. Fighting for the support her legs refused to give she walked unsteadily towards the operation bed her sister's lifeless body was lying upon.

Lilly had wanted to scream and shout at everything and everyone, so much was the pain in her chest that it was hurting her more and more with every passing second.

Just as a little sob left her mouth she heard a shrill cry. She turned her head towards the door and found the nurse trying to console the wailing baby.
The same child for whom she had promised her protection and love. Her sister's child, her sister's flesh and blood.

She turned her attention to the beautiful woman whom she had always admired and trusted her life with. Touching her pale and cold cheek she gently placed a kiss on her forehead.
" I love you, Sarah. I always will. And as per my promise to you, I will be his mom and dad just like you were to me. I promise."

11 Months Later...
11 months had passed. Since her sister's demise, Lilly had tried her best to play the role of both mom and dad in Samuel's life. Sam became the little angel in her life who brightened her dark skies. she smiled as she brushed his curls to the side. Placing a gentle kiss on his closed eyes she whispered, "Good night, Sam."
She slowly closed the door of the nursery behind her.

It was 8 p.m. and now with Sam sleeping peacefully she finally got the much needed time to complete the translation of the documents before the deadline.

Just as she opened her laptop she heard the doorbell ring. Frowning she got up and headed towards the door wondering if she had ordered something or was someone supposed to visit.

She opened the door and found a handsome man of about 6 feet tall, dressed in a black suit standing in front of her. Black hair, light stubble, pink lips and a sculpted jaw...he was blessed by God in the looks department, Lilly acknowledged.
Dressed in a black suit, black tie and black shoes he was looking like an angel of darkness.

'He just needs a black shirt and then he would be ready for a funeral.' Lilly thought to herself and the crazy thought brought a small smile to her lips.

"If Miss Lilly Jones has stared enough then would she mind inviting me in?" asked the stranger in his deep-throated voice.

His words brought her out of her wayward thoughts.
"Oh! I am sorry- wait..." she stopped mid apology as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously.
"How do you know my name? I don't think we have met ever before."

"My name is Ashton king." the stranger introduced himself.

"I am sorry but I  don't seem to remember you." She said while still turning the pages of her memory to see which face matched the name he just said.

"I am Sebastian King's elder brother," he said again this time with a bit more clarity to his introduction.

As his words registered in her brain her surprise at him knowing her name got replaced with disgust and hatred. She quickly closed the door and she would have succeeded in shutting him out if he hadn't stopped the door by placing his foot in between.

She looked at him angrily.
"Move back or else I won't be responsible if your foot got fractured," she said in a warning tone laced with menace.

"Open the door Miss Jones or else you will regret this moment for the rest of your life," he said in a cold tone.

"Oh Really?" she said raising a brow.
"Is that a threat?"

"Consider this an advice and if I were you I would never act so rashly."

"I think you being a part of King's family is bad enough. Neither you nor your family has done anything great to be treated with respect so you can get lost, Mr Ashton King."

"Why so, Miss Jones? Is it because you are hiding something?" he asked narrowing his eyes on her as his lips curled into a slow smile that didn't meet his eyes. "Or someone?"

Hey guys, I know I pushed your emotions a bit too hard in the very 1st chapter but you all came again to read this update *feeling blessed* so I'm giving you one more chap today. Swipe up to read next .

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