42. PTSD...

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"We have arrived, Mr King." The driver announced.

Ashton's grip on Lilly's hand tightened even more. She placed her free hand on their connected ones and gave him a reassuring smile and after a beat, Ashton got out of the car. As the driver opened the door for Lilly Ashton was already by her side. Holding her hand once again he squeezed it tightly.

They were standing in front of what looked like a private clinic, Lilly noticed. Holding her hand he marched forward while she wondered what they were doing here. As they entered, the receptionist smiled looking at Ashton.

"Mr King, Mr Joseph is waiting for you."

Ashton nodded and placing a hand at the small of Lilly's back they marched forward. Lilly's heart was racing with every step they took towards the closed door. He knocked at the closed door twice before entering.

As the door opened Lilly found a man in his late forties sitting in his chair. He looked at them and smiled, "Welcome I was waiting for you." The man gestured towards the couch as he asked them to take a seat. Lilly and Ashton sat on the sofa as the psychiatrist took the seat adjacent to them.

"Hello, I am Joseph Keith." The man introduced himself. "I am Ashton's doctor."

"I am Lilly." she smiled back.

"She is my wife." Ashton interrupted making Lilly wonder if her heart would beat so crazily every time he calls her his wife.

"I know Ashton." Joseph's words interrupted Lilly's thoughts and she tried to bring her attention back to the conversation.

"So how much of it have you made known to her, Ashton?" the doctor asked looking at him expectantly.

Ashton looked at him and answered after a few beats. "About 95%."

"Well, that's pretty much everything."

Lilly looked from one man to another trying to understand what exactly was going on but completely failing to comprehend the situation.

"Alright. I would need to talk to Lilly in private." The doctor said looking at Ashton.

"It's just me, you and Lilly. It's private enough, I guess." Ashton answered trying to be nonchalant.

Joseph sighed. "I need to talk to Lilly alone. So would you please wait outside, Ashton?"

Ashton looked at Lilly hoping she would ask him to stay but she didn't utter a word in his support. So finally giving up to the doctor Ashton reluctantly got up from his seat.
"Alright. I will be waiting in the reception but make it quick."
He placed a kiss on the crown of Lilly's head and headed out of the small cabin leaving behind a flustered Lilly who had wanted to question the need of that kiss in front of a stranger. She could feel the curious eyes of the doctor and that made her even more nervous.

"He seems to have progressed a lot." the doctor commented and Lilly looked at him. He was smiling. "Since you already know a lot about his situation so let's not waste time on what you are already aware of and get straight to the point."

Lilly nodded so the doctor continued, "I'm Ashton's doctor. He has been suffering from PTSD since he was six. I hope you know this much."

"Yes," Lilly affirmed.

"He thinks that he is the one responsible for his mother's death-"

"But he isn't." Lilly interrupted taking a stand for her husband. "He was just a child back then."

" I know that but it's hard to make him understand the same." The doctor reasoned.
Well, he was right, she sighed. She had tried once and had failed.

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