28. Trust...

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He looked at her and asked, "Aren't you going to ask me anything?"

Her movements stopped as she looked into his eyes. Shaking her head she answered, "No. You don't need to tell me anything."

"Why? Are you not curious?" he questioned again as a sad smile passed his lips.

Sighing, she looked at him.
"Well, I guess I am a little bit curious but this time I'll just wait for you. So tell me if you feel the need to. Tell me when you think it's something I should know about or something that you want to share then I will be all ears." she smiled at him as she completed cleaning the bruise.

"How much of it did you hear?" he asked and Lilly's smile disappeared. But she couldn't lie so she answered truthfully. "From the part when you said she is not your mother."

So she heard everything, he realised. Taking in a deep breath he looked at her. "Do you remember when I said that as my wife you have the right to question me about anything related to my life? Are you not going to use that?"

Was he trying to tempt her, Lilly wondered and smiled.
"Since I am your wife I place my trust in you. I trust you over Elsie."

"You trust me because I am your husband?" He questioned.

"I am not that stupid." she waved her hand in the air and earned a soft chuckle for those words.

"Then why?"

"Well, I don't know Elsie enough and she scares me when it comes to Sam. As for you," she smiled as her eyes softened. "I trust you because of the way you treat others with kindness. I trust you because of the way you adore Sam and care for him. I trust you because of the way you respect me even when we are in a contractual marriage which is based just on papers. You still gave me the respect and care a wife deserves. You gave me the rights and freedom to make my decisions. Because of all these gestures of yours, I have confidently placed my trust in you, my hubby."

It was as if those words were his undoing and he pulled Lilly from her wrist while wrapping an arm about her waist. And next thing Lilly knew was his lips on hers. It was as if he had found his breath again. His heart which had seemingly stopped beating was now back to life. Everything in his world started to become alive with just a few words from her. His hell had now transformed into beautiful heaven. So much power her words held. So much power he had given to her but he didn't mind. She can have it all. He would give her the world as long as she is there with him, for him. As long as he had her trust.

When he finally let her go she was gasping for air. Touching his forehead with hers he gently brushed her lips with his thumb as he said, "I want you, Lilly." his voice sounded more like a request. As if he was waiting for her permission. As if he still couldn't believe that she now finally was granting him the rights of a husband. He still couldn't believe that she was placing her trust in him.

"I want you too." she smiled back as she touched his cheek.
She could feel his quickened heartbeats which resembled hers. His dark dilated pupils which did something to her insides.

They kissed again. Slowly, this time. Deriving the pleasure gently. She pulled at the buttons of his shirt eager to touch him. Once he discarded his shirt he started making a chain of kisses down her neck as her hands explored his strong chest.

Removing the strap of her dress from one shoulder he gently grazed her skin. Placing kisses on every inch of her skin. As he reached her breasts he started pleasuring it slowly. Nibbling and sucking on the hard cherries as she held him the there with her hands in his hair. She gasped his name as he moved to her second breast.

Tonight something was different. Something had changed. Was it the newfound trust between the two of them or the rights they had given to each other? Neither of them knew the reason behind these intensified feelings but they both knew that something in their marriage of convenience had changed tonight and it had changed for good.

Lily was so lost in pleasure that she didn't even realise when exactly her dress was discarded aside and the heels were pulled off from her feet. He picked her up in his arms as she wound her arms about his shoulders.

Laying her on the soft silk sheets he once again took her mouth. He quickly discarded the rest of his clothing and got on the bed on top of her. As he continued placing kisses and she wreathed beneath him. Gasping, moaning and whispering his name. After worshipping her bosom he moved down and down while his hands still toyed with her soft breasts. Cupping them, squeezing them, making her moan. She was his heaven whether she knew it or not whether he acknowledged it or not. But somewhere in their hearts, they both knew they were becoming something more.

Lost in her world of pleasure Lilly felt shocked run through her body. Opening her eyes she looked at Ashton who now had reached to the core of her femininity and licked there.

"Ash-" She gasped. She almost lost her voice in shock and pleasure as he kissed her there again.

He looked at the expression on her face and smiled mischievously. Ignoring her protests he went back to his ministry

This was the first time he was doing this for her. She gasped as a new wave of sensation passed through her. She held his head and tried to pull him away.

"You shouldn't -" was all she could manage to say because he was just not listening.

Placing his hands on her inner thighs he parted her legs more. Exposing her more. And no matter how much she tried to stop him his actions didn't cease. A stage reached when she couldn't decide whether she wanted his head between her legs or not. Finally, she came. She came so hard that she saw stars.

When she finally made it back to earth she opened her eyes and found Ashton kissing her neck.

" Ashton.." she whispered his name as if it was a sacred chant.

He looked into her eyes and she could see there was something more in them tonight. Something other than lust. Something different. He brought his fingers to her cheek as he gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I am entering now," he said and she nodded.

A few thrusts later they both came together. It was the first time that the sex was so long. It felt so urgent but equally passionate. It was different.

After their lovemaking session, Lilly was lying by Ashton's side. Her head rested on his chest as both her hands rested on his torso while their legs tangled. She loved to hear his heart beating beneath her ear but tonight it was different. His heart...it wasn't in that normal beating pattern.

Is something going on in his mind, she wondered. But before she could ask him she heard him speaking, " Lilly..."

Ok, guys, I know the chapter today was a bit short. I apologize for that. And as a compensation, I'll update a new chapter in the next 24 hours. 🥰✨

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