|Ten: Hallucinate|

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It had been several days since Halloween night, and all Cassius could think about was Sam. However he had been better and decided against going into the city. If he did he would be tempted to see Sam, because the universe always pushed him in his direction. 

So instead he tried to keep himself busy, and suggested that himself and his friends all went out into Midnight City. It didn't matter what day of the week they went, as the clubs were busy all day everyday. The city never slept. 

The vampire sat on the edge of his sister's bed as he watched her apply her make up, engrossed in the seemingly complicated process. His eyes followed her hand movements as she perfectly winged her black eyeliner across her eyelids, before coating her lashes in mascara. He'd always been so intrigued with this stuff, but never had the courage to use it on himself. 

However it didn't stop him from picking up the cosmetic items, examining them carefully. 

"If you wanna try it, you can just ask," Claudia told him with a roll of her eyes, smacking her red lips together after just applying a matte lipstick. Cassius' cheeks turned the same shade of crimson, and he immediately put down the bottle of nail polish he was holding. 

"Um no, I'm fine," Cassius declined, fidgeting nervously with the silver rings on his fingers. She shrugged and combed through her long black hair, glancing at the bottle of black nail polish his brother had been eyeing the whole time she was getting ready. She wasn't surprised it was the black he was interested in, it was the only colour he ever wore, even when they were both kids. 

"Fine, what about your nails?" She suggested, seeing his brother's face twist, obviously conflicted. Though his brother hadn't always been the most masculine, she knew he struggled with allowing himself to truly indulge in stereotypical 'feminine' things. 

A small smile crept onto the vampire's lips, nodding sheepishly as he glanced at the polish. Clapping her hands together excitedly, Claudia grabbed it off her dresser, shaking it before grabbing Cassius' hands. 

"You need to be still, okay? I'll mess up if you fidget," Claudia explained from where she sat across from him. Fascinated by the brush strokes, Cassius watched in awe as each nail was painted black. The polish was glossy and left a shine on his nails, and he couldn't help but love how it looked. 

When she was finished he immediately started fidgeting again, causing her to hold up her hand in a 'stop' motion. "You have to wait for it to dry," Claudia told him, causing him to whine in annoyance. Cassius had never been the most patient person in the world, that was for sure. 

"How long does it take to dry?" Cassius questioned impatiently, bouncing his leg up and down as he looked around at her bedroom. Claudia and Cassius' bedrooms were completely different. Her bed sheets were a red silk, and she had a plush carpet covering the hardwood floors. Though it was filled to the brim with all of her stuff, it was still neatly organised and smelled faintly like strawberries. 

You couldn't see Cassius' bedroom floor for the mess. It was covered in clothes and books and random trinkets he'd acquired over the years. Whenever something fell off a shelf, he just shrugged and left it there. He dreaded to think what it would look like if he was a human who actually ate food. 

"Not long, but I could maybe test out some eyeliner on you in the meantime," Claudia suggested, causing her brother's eyes to narrow in caution. 

"I'm not sure..." He trailed off nervously, glancing at the make up on her vanity. It was daunting, especially since he couldn't even look in a mirror to see his reflection. Just as his sister was about to speak, they both heard a knock on her bedroom door. 

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