|Four: Blue|

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Sam couldn't stop thinking about what he saw. Yes he was sick, but he didn't think he was hallucinating. It was so real and he didn't understand how Maddison didn't witness it herself. A being with wings flew into the air. It wasn't a bird or a plane, it was a person. He was sure of it.

When he got home that night he went straight to sleep, passing out on his bed out of exhaustion. However when he woke up, he was wide awake, vivid images of what he saw flashing in his mind. Luckily he didn't have anything to do that day, as he had no work or classes. He had a whole day to process the strange events of the night before and to decide whether it was real or not.

"Sam? You alive in there?" His dad's voice passed through the door, his fist knocking lightly on the white wood.

The boy let out a deep sigh, sitting up on his bed and staring at his wall. "Yep," He replied, hearing his bedroom door slowly creak open, footsteps following after. In front of him stood his dad, who snapped his fingers in front of his son's face.

"You okay?" He asked, his voice full of concern and worry.

"Yeah I just..." Sam trailed off, finally coming out of his haze. He no longer felt sick, instead the feeling was replaced with a new anxiety.

"You just what?" His dad urged, taking a seat next to him without asking.

"Nothing," Sam breathed out, forcing himself to stand up and stretch. All of the bones in his body cracked as he did so, his joints popping and muscles relaxing when he finished. Wiping his hands over his face, he just shook his head and decided to let it go. It would be fine if he just told himself that he was sick, and that's why he thought he saw what he did.

After picking up his phone that was on his dresser, he saw that he had a message from Nick asking if he wanted to meet for coffee. He replied saying he'd meet him in an hour, so he headed into the bathroom to get himself ready for the day.

As the hot shower water ran down his back, he thought about his birthday night out once again. He couldn't believe that two nights in a row he saw Cassius. Was it really that weird?

Yes, he told himself. He had never- not once in his life- seen this boy before that night, and then all of a sudden he happened to see him two nights in a row. It was also odd that he came alone. He had no friends with him at the bar, and it wasn't like someone their age to drink alone. That was depressing.

But there was something oddly likeable about him. He had this charm. It was obvious that he preferred to be alone, and Sam respected that he had the courage to come to a bar by himself. The boy was very different to anyone he'd ever met. For one he was gorgeous, with mesmerising eyes and a devilish smirk that sent a shiver down his spine.

Quickly, he shampooed his hair and washed his body, before stepping out into the cold. He shivered and grabbed the plain, white towel off the rack, drying himself off and wrapping it around his waist. He stared at himself in the mirror, looking at his slim frame. He had always been tall growing up, and he stood out because of his light hair and face full of freckles. However, over the years he couldn't lie, he had received a lot of male attention and he wasn't complaining. He didn't understand why exactly, and he turned down most people that ever made a move. Honestly he preferred not to be the centre of attention. Like he'd said before, he was an observer.

He was meeting Nick in half an hour, so he had to be quick to get ready. Picking out his usual basic outfit consisting of a white t-shirt and light jeans, he smiled when he realised he was still wearing his new bracelet. He wasn't one for jewellery usually, but it just fit. His comfort zone was basic, so he normally stayed there.

Luckily for him Nick said they could meet in Angel's Delight, so he didn't have far to go to meet him. He lived just above the café, and when he went downstairs he saw his dad stood behind the counter serving a customer.

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