|Thirty Four: Young and Beautiful|

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"I have shocking news." Micah's face was grave, pale and gaunt as he looked between both Annie and Gavreel. The former continued to rock Samuel in her arms, cooing quietly at him when he began to stir. At the sight of the babe, his face softened, and he swallowed the growing lump in his throat.

However, when noticing the pure panic in Micah's eyes, Annie called Seraphina and gently handed Samuel over to her. Immediately, the angel bowed and quietly excused herself from the room, leaving the hunter and higher angels to speak privately. Annie's lady in waiting was one of the few people she trusted with her son. Even Gavreel watched her every move as she left with their child.

"What is it, Micah?" Gavreel probed, protectively folding a wing around his wife. But she stepped out of it, giving him a look of warning. She was just as powerful as her husband, and would not cower beneath his wing. Whatever it was, they would face this.

"It's the King's wife, Your Grace..." he trailed off.

"Out with it, Micah," Annie snapped, her delicate features setting into hardness.

Alone with the two most powerful angels in the world, Micah's hands shook by his sides. As he bowed his head, his halo bowed with him, brown eyes wary as he once again glanced between the two of them. Their aura's were blinding, fluorescent, white light that shone freely, brighter than the moon itself. Brighter than the sun. Than any star.

"Dracula's wife is pregnant."

Two audible gasps. The only appropriate reaction to the news.

Until Gavreel hissed, "Impossible. Vampire's cannot procreate."

But Micah shook his head in disagreement. "It would seem the Queen is... human."

Annie's eyes widened in surprise. "No," she whispered. "It cannot be so... She has been alive for centuries."

"Unless..." Realisation dawned on Gavreel, then on them all. All of them came to the same conclusion, one that had their hearts sinking in their chests, and their bones shivering at the thought. Gavreel finally verbalised what they were all thinking as he muttered, "He used dark magic to turn her human, didn't he? So they could produce an heir, should something happen to him. Should we win this war."

"Surely the babe would not be wholly vampire, then?" Annie mused. "Would that make it a legitimate heir?"

"With Dracula's genes and the incorporation of dark magic, it is likely the babe will be wholly vampire, and recognised as a legitimate heir to the throne," Gavreel gravely explained, devastation coating his features. His auburn hair fell over his blue eyes as he looked down at his wife, who was already looking at him. Both of them still looked so young, so radiant, literally glowing.

But somehow this news dimmed them.

"What do we do?" Annie asked.

"Nothing. We cannot do anything. The babe is not a threat to us," Micah finally said.

"It will become a threat to us. It must be eliminated immediately," Gavreel spat.

"Absolutely not!" Annie argued. "It is an innocent, unborn child. It is just as harmless as Samuel."

"Samuel is an angel, and he will be powerful. That... That creature is a disgrace and is just another thing being born to kill the humans we protect. It will be violent and cruel if brought up by the King. A monster."

Violently, Annie shook her head and placed a gentle hand on her husband's arm. Normally he would have relaxed at the touch, but she could tell that he was seething, a simmering pot on a stove, ready to boil and bubble over. "You cannot. I will not allow it."

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