|Seventeen: Heaven|

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When Theo arrived, Cassius was clothed and dressed, something that the wizard shouldn't have had to worry about. However, the vampire had been up to no good recently and he really wouldn't put it past his friend to open the door naked.

"Nice bath?" Theo asked teasingly as soon as Cassius ordered the guards to let Theo walk through the large, wooden doors of the manor. A glare was directed towards the wizard, and Cassius blushed.

"Shut up I'm still mad at you," Cassius snapped, eyes still narrowed into daggers. However, he knew he needed to be more civil if he wanted his friend to do this favor for him.

"Right, but you need something from me," Theo reminded him with a roll of his eyes.

"Yeah I do."

The vampire turned away from the confused wizard, heading towards the grand staircase in the entrance of the manor. The railing was a dark wood, but the stairs had an old red carpet covering them. The King loved how grand it looked, but his children both agreed that it was more tacky than regal, just like most things in the manor.

"Well what is it?" Theo asked out of frustration, following his friend who proceeded to ascend the steep staircase. He hated when Cassius did this. Mainly because he knew that whenever the Prince refused to tell him a plan straight away, he was normally up to no good. He assumed that this time was no different, otherwise Cassius would have informed him about the true nature of this 'favor' over the phone.

"I think that my father is hiding something," Cassius vaguely explained.

Letting out a huff, the wizard asked no further questions while they made their way to wherever Cassius was taking him, knowing he would receive no more information until then. Whatever this was clearly spooked the vampire, as he was very persistent in getting Theo to come over. Normally if Cassius wanted something he would find some other wizard to do it if it was urgent, but clearly this was a whole different matter since he was willing to call Theo after their disagreement.

However that didn't mean that Cassius would stop being stubborn, since he refused to apologise to his best friend. Honestly, Cassius didn't think he had a reason to apologise and Theo was well aware of that. Recently he had been even more stubborn with Sam involved in the equation, but that wasn't Theo's problem to solve. But it didn't stop Theo from having his concerns, as the boy was not only an angel, but the son of the best vampire hunter in the world.

He had no idea what game Sam was playing, but it certainly wasn't a fair one. Cassius was besotted with that boy from day one, so he wouldn't put it past the angel to use that to his advantage. At any time, Sam could get his father involved and have Cassius killed if that boy got too close. Letting himself be around the angel was putting the vampire in a very vulnerable position.

Instead of walking the normal route to Cassius' bedroom, they headed down a completely different hallway than usual. He expected the vampire to take him into a particular room, but the hallway finally reached a dead end. They stopped in front of an oil painting and all Cassius did was glare at it.

"This." Cassius pointed at the object. "Behind this hideous painting of a kitten that my father acquired many years before I was born, is a secret door." He then proceeded to move the painting aside, revealing the same wooden door that prevented him from seeing whatever hid behind it.

"What's behind it?" Theo asked curiously, folding his arms over his chest as he thought of the possibilities.

"That's what I'd like to know, I have a feeling it's spelled shut. I can't open it. I can't even break the lock," Cassius explained, pulling on the handle with all his force to prove his point. Raising an eyebrow, his friend also tried the door as though Cassius wasn't telling the truth.

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