Chapter 25

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I can't stop smiling. It's because I'm happy, so damn happy.

All my life, I never expected or imagined this to happen. I thought I had to live my life, seeing her from afar, protecting her at all times.

I never thought I could have a chance where my angel would stay with me. Well, more like I made the chance. But that's beside the point.

The idea of her staying with me during the lockdown was solely for work purposes. Work has been increasing lately since the new product launch. So, I truly need her constant assistance.

But at the same time, I could get to know her more. More than what meets the eye. What makes Amy, Amy.

I am patiently waiting for the clock to strike at 6 pm. As time is going on, my inner excitement grew.

I can't wait to show her everything. I can't wait to show her all my wealth which was all for her. I can't wait to show her me, all of me.

"Sandro," a familiar voice interrupted my deep imagination.

I looked up to see Jake entering my office, closing the door behind him with a smug look on his face.

"Looks like lover boy is in deep imagination," he said, taking a seat on the chair.

"Ever heard of knocking on the door, Mr.Johnson?" I asked him.

"When it comes to you, my friend, all my manners are just thrown out of the window," he replied.

"You seem happier," he said to me.

"You should know why," I told him.

"I was going to ask you if we could stay together at your mansion during the lockdown, you know, me, you, Hailey, her..... but I guess you have to spend some time alone with your angelo," he said, twirling the glass sphere which was on the table.

"If you wanna stay there, you don't need to ask my permission," I said to him.

"No one with a sane mind can live in that huge mansion for three weeks without going out anywhere, even if they have someone else around."

"I could come but it could be awkward between Amy, your girl, and I since we don't really know each other," I said.

"Oh? Says the person who couldn't stop himself from kissing his dream girl after a few weeks of hiring her," he laughingly said.

"Shut up, Johnson!" I exclaimed, with fake anger.

'"You don't scare me, even a bit," he said, and I knew that. He looks unbothered how matter harmful my threat was. He knows that I'm just all talk, no action, in his case.

He got a call after that. He mumbled 'I'll be back in a minute' before exiting the office and returned to my work.

I also got a call a few minutes later from the Managing Director from the London branch of Durante Enterprises, discussing company matters. The call took a while.

"Sandro?" I heard Jake call out to me.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"It's already time and I'm bringing Hailey back to my apartment. We could plan to sneak out during the night to meet sometime during the lockdown," he said.

"That would be a great idea........if we don't get caught," I replied.

"We definitely don't need to worry about it," he replied.

"Okay, then. See you whenever we can, I guess?" I asked him.

"Sure. Goodbye, man."

"Goodbye, man," I bid my farewell, and he shut the door.

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