Chapter 30

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"Before I forget, did you do the statistics for the sales of our new products?" Alessandro questioned the head of the sales and marketing team, Mr. Romano.

"Yes, sir, I did. Based on it, the Pro model smartphones' sales are more significant than the Lite models by 25 percent. As for the tablets, the sales have increased from the last year's model by a staggering 65 percent," the man wearing bulky glasses told us.

"Production team, you know what to do," my boss said.

"Roger that, Mr. Durante," the head of the production team replied.

"Mr. Durante?" Mr. Romano chimed in.

"Anything to say, Mr.Romano?"

"This is completely random, but I've been seeing a lot of reviews from normal consumers and tech reviewers that the included earphones are the best of quality," the man said.

"Hmm...I guess the collaboration with Bose and the implementation of Dolby Atmos in our products was a great success then," Alessandro said, scratching his chin.

"Any questions or anything more to say before we end today's meeting?"

Everyone said no and assured the boss that everything was okay on their part.

Alessandro let out a deep sigh. "Well then, if anyone has any questions about anything we discussed today after this, feel free to send me an email."

"So I guess this brings us to the end of today's meeting. Thank you for your cooperation, and we would meet tomorrow," the meeting was ended.

I studied the notes I took during the meeting just now.

"Amy?" Alessandro turned his gaze to me from his computer.

"Yes, Alessandro," I said in a serious, more monotonous tone, matching his demeanor of a few days.

"I need you to type these two documents and send them to the company we had a meeting yesterday. Then, I want you to make a full annual report of our company for this year. And also, you have to request and review the sales and revenue report as well."

"Right away, sir," I replied, my mind fulling going into work mode.

"-no problem, I'll look into it," I said to Mr. Peters over the phone.

"I'm so sorry for the minor inconvenience, Miss. Roberts."

"It's okay, Mr.Peters.....yes.......bye."

Mr. Romano's assistant, Mr. Peters, had already sent me the report that my boss asked for via email. They called me over an hour later, informing me that several minor adjustments should be made on the report due to some circumstances.

A notification popped on my computer. An email appeared on the screen after clicking it.

"Alessandro, it looks like Miss. Campbell had sent a-" I looked up to see the man staring intently at me.

I placed my lips in a thin line. "Yes, sir ?" I said, emphasizing the last word and crossing my arms on my chest.

All I got back was silence. But still, his steely grey orbs boring into my brown ones.

We were playing the staring game, waiting for who want to speak up first. But sadly, no one did. So, I returned doing my work, still feeling his gaze on me.

"As I was saying, Miss. Campbell had sent an email regarding a possible issue that might occur on the tablets. I had forwarded you the email," I told him while typing on my computer.

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