Author's note

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Hi there everyone! Don't worry, there are chapters coming too, not just me wittering on 😁
I'm looking for some help from my readers in the U.S. - I've got to write a Christmas scene soon that's happening in America, and I want to know how your traditions are different to my British ones. I know that some of you were kind enough to do a similar thing with thanksgiving and that was really helpful. I'm looking to hear about everyone's family traditions - what do you do on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day (do you guys even call the day after Christmas 'Boxing Day' or is that a British thing?) What foods/drinks do you have? But specifically, how is it different to thanksgiving?
I'd really appreciate any help/info that you guys could give, however small ❤️❤️
Feel free to message me if you'd rather keep it private - I know that I've got a few lurkers who don't like to post things publicly 😉
Anyway, enough talking...

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