Chapter 36

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A/N: This is a bit of a long one - I tried to split it into two chapters, but it just didn't work. So apologies for the fact it's so long.
I wanted to give you a warning that there's some content that might upset some people - talking about depression and suicidal thoughts. Hopefully none of you are feeling like that right now, but if you are, then please seek help. Don't try and struggle on alone.
Hope you enjoy the chapter, and I've been loving all your comments and votes.
C xx 💗


He'd tried to call her straight back but the phone just rang until voicemail kicked in. He hung up and tried a text - the first of which was quite calm:

Chris 🤪
What happened? Is everything okay?

He waited, drumming his fingers against the couch, but she didn't answer. After two minutes he sent another, and then another...

Chris 🤪

Chris 🤪
Becs? Are you there?

Chris 🤪
Call me please

He tried the phone again, but it rang and rang until the voicemail kicked in. This time he left a message:

Becs, it's Chris. Is everything okay? Call me please.

Over the next twenty minutes, he got more and more worried. She didn't respond to any of his texts or calls. Terrible thoughts were going round his head - what if something's happened to her? What if she's been hurt? He flicked through all the tv news channels to check if anything had happened at a bar in Boston. If he'd known which bar she'd been at, he'd have gone down there himself, but instead he just had to wait and pace.

Please can you just call me to let me know that you're okay.

After another five minutes he'd had enough.

Becs, I swear if you don't call me in the next five minutes to say that you're not dead, I'm calling 911

A minute later, she finally replied.

Jesus, Chris - I'm not dead. Calm down

A wave of relief washed over him, but along with it came the realisation that he'd over-reacted and let the panic take over. Someone had once told him that anxiety can be like a forest fire - all it takes is one little spark and before you know it your whole mind is ablaze.
A familiar feeling of shame crept up. I shouldn't have over-reacted. I should have known she was okay. She's going to think I'm pathetic. Or crazy.

Will call soon



When she finally called, he answered with relief.

Hey there


Thanks for calling. I'm really sorry for over-reacting before

Umm...yeah...that was a bit...


Well no, I wasn't going to say insane. It was just...what happened? Did you have an anxiety attack?

Yeah. I'm really sorry.

Why though? Because I hung up suddenly and then you couldn't get hold of me?

Yeah. Sorry. I know it's stupid, but I just...I worried that something had happened and once I'd thought it, I couldn't unthink it. And then I kind of...spiralled. Sorry.

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