Chapter 44

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Sunday 5.30pm

'How're you getting on Viv?' Becca called. 'We're going to have to leave soon if we want to grab some food before bowling.'
'Nearly ready.' Viv yelled back.
Becca rolled her eyes - it took most girls so long to get ready. What did they do in there? She went back to messaging Chris.

Chris 🤪
So, you definitely know where you're going?

Yes dad 🙄 For the millionth time, I've put the address into google maps and I will be able to find it

Chris 🤪
Okay. Sorry.

We're going out for something to eat beforehand and then we'll meet you there. If Viv ever finishes getting ready

Chris 🤪
The guys are looking forward to meeting you

Who's going to be there?

Chris 🤪
Well, me obviously, and then Scotty, Sam and Matt

Scotty your brother?

Chris 🤪
Yeah. That's okay isn't it?

Viv finally came through to the lounge. 'Why are you frowning at your phone?' She asked.
'Is it weird that his brother is coming bowling tonight?'
'His brother?' Viv repeated, surprised.
'Yeah. It feels a bit weird for me to be meeting family members.'
Viv shrugged. 'Maybe they're really close. Or maybe he wants to check you out.' She added with an evil grin.
'I'm pretty sure Chris implied he was gay.'
'I meant check you out as a potential sister-in-law.'
Becca threw a cushion at Viv, which she caught with a laugh.

Of course. Do you see much of your brother?

Chris 🤪
Yeah. He's one of my best friends.

Okay, we're now leaving. See you later

Chris 🤪
Call me when you get to the bowling alley and either I'll come and meet you if it's not too busy or I'll send Scotty

Will do

'Okay. Are you ready to go?' Becca asked.
'Yeah. I see that you're going full nerd tonight.' Viv said, nodding towards Becca's Big Bang Theory top.
'Hey don't mock, I love this top.'
It was dark green and had 'rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock' written across the front in white.
'I can't believe I'm about to go bowling with Chris Evans.' Viv said excitedly.
Becca smiled. 'You know, you're really going to have to stop using his full name like that, it sounds really weird.'
'A bit crazy-fangirl-ish?' Viv asked.
'Okay. I'll try to just say Chris. But I still can't believe it.'
Becca just laughed.


'So, are you looking forward to this?' Viv asked as they sat in the pizzeria, waiting for the bill.
'I think you're looking forward to it enough for the both of us.' Becca joked.
'You're not wrong. But seriously?'
'Sure. It'll probably be good fun. As long as Chris's friends are nice.'
Viv gave her a penetrating look.
'What?' Becca asked.
'That's all you're thinking about?'
'Well, obviously it'll be nice to see Chris again as well - I figured that kind of went without saying.'
'What's the score with you two? I mean, be honest. Are you friends, are you more than friends?'
Becca sighed. 'I have no idea. Before we met, when we were just messaging and stuff, I'd have said that it was definitely building up to being more than friends. But then I found out who he was and we met and its gotten more...I don't know.'
'Because he's Chris Evans?'
'Well no, it's more that I can't figure him out. He sends out mixed signals and it's confusing.'
'Like what?'
'Well sometimes when we're texting or chatting, he's very teasing, and I can't tell if it's light flirting or just friendly banter.'
'In my experience, if you think a guy's flirting with you, then he probably is.' Viv said.
'Yeah, but when we meet up it seems...platonic. I mean, you saw how he was when he came round the flat - just like a friend. That's how he always acts.'
'What I saw was a guy that went out of his way to see you, even though it was only for five minutes.'
'I think he just wanted a cookie.' Becca said.
'Sweetie, he could have gotten a cookie from anywhere.'
'Hmm. But then if he liked me, surely he would have done something to make it clear. I mean, it's not like a guy's never flirted with me before, I know the signs. It's all flirty comments and lingering looks and lots of little touches.'
'And he doesn't do any of that?'
'Maybe he's trying to be a gentleman.' Viv suggested.
'Or maybe he just wants to be friends. But then he's sent me gifts, and you don't normally do that for a friend. See what I mean? Mixed signals.'
Viv was looking at her phone.
'Am I boring you?' Becca asked.
'No, I was looking to the internet for advice.' She showed the screen to Becca. 'It's a quiz: Is he into you, or does he just want to be friends?'
'Oh great, because I'm sure an internet quiz will reveal the truth.'
'Come on, it'll be funny.'
Becca rolled her eyes.
'Question one: Do you ever catch him looking at you?'
'Well, yes, but that doesn't mean anything. Sometimes you look at me, but I don't think you fancy me.'
'Question two: Does he ever call you his buddy or friend e.g. 'You're such a great friend'?'
'Err, no, I don't think so. But he's never called me anything else either.'
'Question three: Does he talk to you about other women that he likes or wants to date?'
'No, he's never done that.'
'Question three: Is he interested in your life and does he go out of his way to get to know you?'
'Well yes, he has tried to get to know me, but friends do that too.'
'Question four: Does he introduce you to other people as his friend?'
'Erm, I don't think that he's ever introduced me to anyone. Oh no, wait, he introduced me to Joe.'
'And did he say 'this is my friend Becca'?'
'I think he just said 'this is Becs'.'
'Five: Does he find any excuse to touch you?'
'No, he's never touched me.'
'Not even a greeting hug or a touch on the arm to get your attention?'
'See, that in itself is weird. Six: How often does he contact you? Choices are: every day, once a week or hardly ever. I think we both know the answer to that one - he's always calling you or messaging.'
'Seven: Does he ever suggest meeting up?'
'Well, yes, but that one's a bit unfair - friends do that too.'
'Eight: Does he remember small details that you've told him about yourself?'
'Yes, but he could just have a really good memory.'
'Nine: Does he ever make fun of you?'
'Ten: Does he behave differently with you than with others?'
'I don't know, I haven't really seen him with anyone else.'
'Hmm, I'll put 'not sure'.'
'Eleven: Has he told you or dropped hints that he likes you?'
'If he had, we wouldn't need to do this quiz, would we?'
'Twelve: Is he shy? Well, obviously not - he's an incredibly hot actor.'
'I think he is actually.'
'Okay. Let's see what wisdom the internet has for us.' Viv said, and then laughed.
'The internet thinks he likes you.' Viv said.
'Well then it must be true.' Becca said sarcastically, getting up. 'Come on, let's go.'
Once they reached the bowling alley, she called Chris.

Hey there

Hi. Are you here?

Yeah, just arrived. Whereabouts are you?

We're already out back on the lane. It's really busy, so I'm going to send Scotty to come and get you, if that's okay?

Okay. But how am I going to recognise Scotty? What does he look like?

Don't worry, he'll find you


A Chance Meeting | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now