Chapter 95

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A/N: So, back at last! Things are going to start to change for our main characters from this chapter, and I know that a lot of you won't like where it's going to go ☹️ but just hang in there, because a HEA is worth waiting for...
'So what d'ya think of your first NFL game?' Chris asked.
After forty-five minutes of watching the Dallas Cowboys play the Washington Redskins, Becca had only really formed one opinion - how did all the stopping and starting not drive Americans insane?
'It's great.' She said, not wanting to criticise. 'I'm not sure I 100% get what's going on yet...'
'Yeah well, they're no Patriots, but the Cowboys have one of the best defences in the NFL...' Chris started enthusiastically explaining about the different teams and players and strategies.
Becca smiled to herself.
Wow, he's really into this.
'So, how does it compare to British sports?' Scotty asked. 'I heard that it's like your rugby.'
'Err, I guess it's a bit like it...' Becca hedged diplomatically. 'They look alike - the ball and goalposts are the same and the way they handle and pass the ball to each other is similar, but the play itself is very different.'
'In what way?' Scotty continued.
'Well, I've only watched a few matches, so I'm sure a rugby fan could tell you more differences, but I think the main ones are that your American Football players wear all the padding or helmets so the tackles are a lot more violent than rugby. Also, the rugby game is two halves, and unless something really bad happens they just carry on playing, whereas this seems a bit...stop-starty.'
'Stop-starty?' Chris said in mock horror. 'Are you insulting my national sport?'
'No, not at all.' Becca laughed, glad that he hadn't taken offence. 'I think that you guys are just used to more disruptions in your sports and tv than we are at home.'
'Case in point.' She added a minute later when another ad break came on. 'It sometimes seems like there are ad breaks every five minutes over here!'
'This is half-time.' Ryan told her, getting up. 'It's refill time. Anyone want a beer?'
'No thanks.' Becca said.
'If you're going through, Ryan, can you check that Carly's up and alive? We're going to need to leave soon.' Chris asked.
'Sure.' Ryan said, walking out of the lounge.
Stella passed him in the doorway and walked over to Becca.
'Read this to me?' She asked, handing a book over.
'How do we ask nicely, Stella?' Chris corrected gently.
'Please.' Stella said.
'Of course.' Becca said as Stella climbed onto the sofa and then plonked herself on Becca's lap.
'Is this your new Frozen book?' Becca asked.
Stella nodded.
'Oh, Becs likes Frozen.' Scotty teased. 'Kristoff especially.'
Becca tried to ignore the slight blush she could feel creeping up her face.
Why did I admit that? Jack Daniels has got a lot to answer for.
'Why's your face gone red?' Grace asked.
'I don't know.' Becca mumbled, while Scotty sniggered. She looked over at him, and mouthed 'Hannibal Lecter', making him grin.
She started to read to Stella, who delighted in explaining all the characters to Becca as though she'd never heard of Frozen before.
'That's Anna, she's Elsa's sister.' Stella said.
'That's Kristoff.' She said later.
Becca looked over at Scotty. 'Don't.' She said, jokingly, and Chris and Scotty both laughed.
'His best friend is Sven the reindeer.' Stella continued, oblivious to the adults' comments.
'He looks like Uncle Chris.' Stella continued.
'Kristoff looks like Uncle Chris.'
Becca couldn't really see the resemblance, and she certainly couldn't give her real opinion, which was that Chris was by far the hottest guy on the planet. So she gave an jokey, considering look at Kristoff, then over at Chris.
'Your Uncle Chris wishes he was as cute as Kristoff.' She said to Stella, making Chris and Scotty roar with laughter.
'Ouch!' Scotty said.
'It's true, I do.' Chris laughed, grinning at Becca.
Becca smiled back and carried on reading.

Once she'd finished reading, Stella had wandered off for a few minutes, before coming back with an armful of books that she gave to Becca.
'Honey, I'm sorry, I'm not going to have time to read all these.' Becca said. 'We need to leave soon.'
Stella gave the cutest scowl.
'Don't worry.' Grace chipped in. 'She can read them to you tomorrow.'
'Oh, I'm not going to be here tomorrow.' Becca said.
'Why not?' Ethan asked.
'I'm going home tonight because I've got to work tomorrow.'
'Work? But it's Thanksgiving!'
'I know, but the best time to rearrange the library is when it's closed.'
Stella frowned. 'I don't want you to go.'
Becca smiled at her. 'Sorry, sweetie.'
'Chris said that you worked in the Central Library in Copley Square.' Lisa said.
'Yes, I do.'
'In the children's area?'
'Mostly there, but sometimes in the main library. It's the children's area that we're working on tomorrow - I've been given permission to expand a couple of the sections, change things round a bit.'
'Do you enjoy your job?' Lisa asked.
'Oh God, I love it.' Becca enthused. 'I'm a real bookworm anyway, so being around that many books is great in itself, but the reading programme that we've started is just amazing. It makes such a difference to these kids - some of them come in and they're really struggling. They've had a tough start in life for various reasons and they're so far behind that they've switched off to it all, reading, education, everything.'
'But if you can find a way to reach them, find something that sparks their interest and get them on the right path...well, it's not an exaggeration to say that it can turn their lives around. It's an incredibly fulfilling thing to be involved with.'
Becca stopped and realised that everyone was staring at her. 'I'm sorry.' She said, blushing. 'I get a bit carried away sometimes...'
'Don't apologise. It's wonderful that you have something that you're so passionate about.' Lisa replied.
'So, how do you know what will work? What'll spark their interest?' Scotty asked.
'Oh, I'm sure you don't want me to go on about it any more...'
'No, I do.' Scotty said.
'Okay. Well, it's different for every child, but I find that talking about the kinds of films they like or their hobbies can be a good way in. And comics can be great for teens that are averse to books, - there's something about the different visual layout of the page that just works.'
'Is that why you have a huge cutout of Iron Man in the children's library?' Chris asked.
'How'd you know about that?' Becca asked curiously.
'When I came and saw you in the library, I'd already checked the children's section first.'
Good grief, was he just wandering round the library looking for me? Thank God he didn't ask anyone where I was!
'Oh. Well, yeah, that's why it's there.'
'The kids like it?' He asked.
'God yes, loads of them love it! I've got this one reader that I've been working with for about nine months - he's eleven and when he first came to me he refused to read anything at all. He wouldn't even try. So I did what I always do with the tough cases, I backed right off the reading and just tried to engage with him. It was really hard work and I wasn't making a lot of progress, but then one day I happened to wear a top with a Marvel quote on and I saw him look and smile. Turns out that he's a huge fan and he loves it all - Marvel, DC, the movies, the comics, the TV series, everything. So that was my way in, and now we read the comics together and he's doing so well.'
'What was the quote?' Chris asked.
Becca smiled to herself. 'It was: 'That man is playing Galaga.'
Chris chuckled. 'That's part of a quote from Avengers, isn't it?'
'Yes. 'That man is playing Galaga, he thought we wouldn't notice but we did.' She smiled at Chris. 'Anyway, he's one of the ones who love the Iron Man cutout.'
'That sounds amazing.' Scotty said. 'You know what you should do Chris? You should go down there and see these kids as Captain America.'
Scotty, no!
'Do you think they'd get a kick out of it?' Chris grinned at Becca. 'I'm sure I could get some of the other guys to come along too.'
Bloody hell Scotty, why'd you have to suggest that?
'I...err...' How could she say 'no' without hurting his feelings?
Chris's grin slipped a little. 'You'd rather we didn't?'
Shit! How could she explain it to him? How could she explain that their relationship, whatever it was, was her secret right now. Other than Viv and Ella, no one knew, and that meant she didn't have to try and explain it to anyone, or have anyone pity her if it went wrong.
'No, no, it's not that, it''s just not a good time right now...but...umm...later that would be amazing.' That didn't sound convincing even to her own ears.
'It's just...we're really busy right now with the refit...and-'
'It's fine. Some other time.' Chris interrupted.
Now I feel like a horrible person. I've hurt his feelings. I'll have to talk to him later and try to make a more convincing excuse.
There was a slightly awkward pause.
'So, are you looking forward to the film, Becs?' Lisa asked.
'Yes, it looks really good.' Becca said, relieved that Lisa had changed the subject.
'Okay, okay, I'm ready.' Carly said, walking into the room. If she noticed that there was a slight atmosphere, she didn't comment. 'Are we ready to go?'
Becca looked at Chris questioningly.
'I'm ready to go if you are.' He said.
'I'll just grab my stuff.'

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