Chapter 59

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A/N: Here's part two. I really enjoyed writing this scene - hope you like reading it as much 🥰 C xx

It was pleasantly cool outside the front of the club, and no one else was about, so she had the place to herself. She leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes, enjoying the music that was pouring out through the open windows.
Scotty, you can certainly sing.
After a couple of minutes she heard the door open.
Damn, there goes my solitude.
'Hey there.' Came Chris's voice. 'You okay?'
'Oh hello.' Becca said in surprise. 'You didn't need to come and check on me, I'm fine. I was just a bit hot, so I came out here to cool down. Didn't Scarlett tell you?'
'Yeah, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay out here.'
'That's very sweet, but I'm fine. In fact, it's kind of pleasant out here away from the hubbub.'
'Yeah.' He paused. 'Is it okay if I stay out here for a bit?'
She almost laughed. In what world would that not be okay?
'Sure. I guess I can tolerate your company for a bit.' She said with a smile.
They listened to Scotty finish up a rousing version of I'm Still Standing.
'He's a really good singer.' Becca said.
'He is.' Chris smiled warmly.
'Time to take it back a few decades.' Scotty's voice came out through the windows. 'We've got some sounds from the Fifties for you.'
'Oh, I love this song!' Becca cried as Twisting the Night Away started to play. 'I haven't heard it for ages.'
She swayed a little to the music.
'Do you want to dance to it?' Chris asked with a small smile.
Dance with him? Oh my.
'There's no one else here, if you're worried about being seen.'
'No, I wasn't...umm.'
'Then what?'
I can do this. I can dance with him. Right?
'I don't know how to dance to it.' She admitted.
'It's easy, you just move like this.' Chris said, dancing a few steps.
'That's not easy.' Becca laughed, widening her eyes. 'I don't think I can move like that.'
'Sure you can. I'll teach you.' He said and held out his hand. 'Come on.'
She hesitated, looking at his hand and then looking up at him.
'Come on.' He said. 'Don't leave me hanging.'
Becca took a deep breath.
Go on.
'Okay.' She said and stepped forward and put her hand in his. 'But if I step on your toes, you've only got yourself to blame.'
Chris threw back his head and laughed. 'I'll risk it.'
He took a couple of steps back, gently pulling her hand to take her with him.
'Right, now we've got a bit more space. We'll start with the footwork.' He let go of her hand. 'Now this is a partners dance, but it's easier to get the footwork right by yourself first.'
Becca nodded.
'Right, so go up onto the balls of your feet, and then twist your hips like this.' Chris demonstrated.
'Like this?' Becca tried.
'No, you're swaying your hips too much. You need to twist them.'
Becca tried again.
'Still swaying.' Chris said.
Becca frowned. 'I can't-'
'Let me show you.' Chris said and stepped closer, putting his hands on either side of her hips.
Whoa that's close. I hope it's dark enough out here that he can't see me blushing.
She kept her gaze firmly downwards. He was way too close for eye contact.
'Keep your feet still and twist your hips like this.' He said and gently but firmly twisted her.
'Ah. Okay. Like this?' She asked.
'Yes, that's it.'
'Yay, I can do it!' She said in delight.
'Great! But that's just the first bit. Now you need to keep that motion and step.'
'That's harder.' Becca laughed as she tried it.
'Yeah, I know. You're also meant to be looking at your partner, not your feet.'
Yeah, because looking at you wouldn't be distracting at all...
'Okay, I think I've got the stepping and twisting.' Becca said after a minute.
'Great. Let's try and do it together.' He said, stepping closer and taking her hand.
He's much more touchy-feely when he's dancing. Not that I'm complaining.
'Hey, I'm doing it.' Becca cried, grinning.
'That's great. Try and look up though.'
'I'm kind of concentrating on my footwork.'
'Yeah, but you still need to look up.'
She couldn't quite bring herself to look him in the eye, so she focussed on his shoulder, but every so often her gaze kept went back down to her feet.
'Eyes up.' He said again, but this time he lifted her chin with his fingers.
She looked at him in surprise, making the eye contact that she'd been avoiding.
Oh, Jesus. He's so close!
She looked away, embarrassed and realised that she'd stopped dancing.
'Jeez, you're bossy when you dance.' She grumbled, trying to hide her embarrassment. 'And you made me lose my footwork.'
'Sorry.' He said, but she could hear him grinning. 'Try again, and we can work in some turns.'
'Okay.' She said.
This time it was much easier to get the rhythm and the movements. 'I think I'm getting the hang of this.'
'Excellent. Now let's try a nice, easy under arm turn. I lift our hands up and you just turn under.'
'I can do that.' She said.
'Hey, I'm pretty good at this.' Becca laughed.
'Don't get too cocky.' He teased. 'That was a slow and simple turn.'
'Pfft.' Becca said, jokingly. 'This is easy. I don't know why I was so impressed that you could dance before.'
Chris laughed. 'Feeling like braving something a little faster?'
'Okay, I'm going to pivot turn you. I'm holding your left hand, I step in and put my right hand around your waist and pivot you round.'
'And what do I do with my feet and my arms?'
'Don't worry about your feet, just let me lead you. As for the arms, you're going to need to hold onto me to keep your balance because it's a whole lot faster than the other turn.'
'Ready?' He asked.
She nodded.
He stepped closer and looped his arm around her waist, causing their sides to touch.
Bloody hell, if I thought he was close before...
But before she had a chance to think too much about how amazing it felt, he spun her round. He was right about how fast it was - she almost lost her balance and she did have to hold onto him. She let out a little shocked noise.
'What was that?' Chris laughed.
'What was what?'
'You squeaked!'
'I did not. I may have made a small noise of surprise...'
Chris grinned at her. 'You squeaked. Like a little mouse.'
'No I didn't.' Becca jokily smacked him on the arm. 'Shut up.'
He threw back his head and laughed.
'So that's all the moves.' He said when he'd stopped laughing.
'That was easy. You're surprisingly good at this.' Becca said.
'I've been dancing since I was a little kid - my mom was a dancer and she taught us all.'
She smiled. 'That's kind of sweet.'
The song finished and the next one that came on was Johnny B. Goode.
'The same moves work for this song too.' Chris said, 'If you'd like to carry on?'
'Sure, it's fun.'

They danced to the next three songs, doing as much laughing as dancing, but she soon had to call a halt to it.
'I can't dance anymore!' She said breathing heavily. 'I'm all out of puff.'
'I need a drink of water and a sit down.' She added. 'I think you must be a lot fitter than I am!'
'Let's go back in then.' Chris suggested. 'Scotty's set must be nearly finished by now.'
'You were really good.' Chris said as they walked in.
Becca laughed. 'I'm not sure I was that good. I know I made lots of mistakes, but I really enjoyed it. Thank you.'
'Anytime.' Chris said with a smile.
Scotty gave them a small wave as they came back in.
'Time to slow things down a bit for the last song of the night.' He said. 'It's a new addition to the set but I hope you like it.'
Closing with a slow song? That's like every school disco I ever went to.
But when the first few bars of music played, it was like an ice pick to the chest.
Of all the songs he could have picked...
She was vaguely aware of Chris turning round to see why she'd suddenly stopped. He said something, but all she could focus on was Scotty singing that song. It made it hard to breathe.
'Becs? You okay?' Chris asked again.
'What...umm....Yeah. Fine. Fine.'
She tried to shake it off. Come on, it's been nine months. You can't keep letting this song affect you like this.
But it hurt her heart all the same.
'Do you like this song?' Chris asked, misreading her reaction. 'Do you want to dance to it?'
Dance with him to that? God, no!
'No. No I don't!' She said, more harshly than she meant to.
What she really wanted to do was run away home, but that wasn't an option, so she let Chris lead her back to the seats.
'Hey. Where'd you two disappear off to?' Matt asked, as the others joined them.
'We were about to send out a search party.' Nick chimed in.
'Just getting some fresh air.' Chris said.
'Right. Of course.' Teased Matt, clearly under the impression that they'd been doing something else.
The song soon finished and Scotty came back. Everyone started chatting again, and while Becs answered all the questions she was asked, she just couldn't seem to enjoy it as much as before. It was like she had to force herself to join in, whereas before it had been easy.
They started talking about going on to another club.
'What do you think Becs? You'll come somewhere else, won't you?' Scarlett asked.
No, I just want to go home.
'Thanks, but not this time.' She said to Scarlett. 'I'd just like to head home, I'm feeling tired.' She added to Chris.
'Oh. Okay.' He said, looking surprised and disappointed. 'When do you want to leave?'
'As soon as you're ready.' She said. 'But if you want to go on with your friends, I can get a taxi home. I don't mind.'
'No, I'll drive you.' He said, picking up his jacket. 'We'll head off now.'
'Bye.' She said to everyone. 'I really enjoyed the set, Scotty.' She added.
Just not the last song.


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